Indoor Multi Strain Auto Coco LED Grow

Feb 8, 2017
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Hey AFN,

Loving all the info available here.

Figured I'd jump right into documenting my 1st serious auto grow. I'm still fairly new to the entire growing scene, currently on my 2nd grow, flowering out a photo Blue Power (Vision) that will be done in 2 weeks or so.

Tried my hand at NL auto (Vision) at the beginning of my 2nd grow and it didn't go well. She never got frosty and there were some nute issues I was too impatient to remedy. Ended up harvesting a few weeks early so I didn't even bother to weigh her.

Now, I have 1 each of GSC (Fast Bud), Speed Haze (Black Skull), Bubblegum (00), and Somango (Advanced). After a 24 hr soak, the seeds were placed in a moist paper towel. GSC and Bubblegum have already cracked and have been placed in 1" rockwool cube soaked in pH water, calimagic and superthrive. Haven't decided on plastic or fabric pots yet.

Medium will be coco/perlite and only using 1 tsp of GH maxibloom with tap water throughout the entire grow. Will supplement with calimagic when necessary. Drain to Waste. Some hand watered, some drip watered.

Grow area: 2x2x4 tent with 230w Perfect Sun Dwarf Star led
2x2x2.5 DIY tent with 145w chinese led panel

LST, and possibly scrogging, will be an absolute must due to height restrictions.

Looking forward to this grow and learning even more. Hoping for at least 4 ounces.

Because I know we're all just here for the photos. Here are some pics from the NL auto (big pot) I tried.
EbErKyD - Imgur.jpg
IimUaVg - Imgur.jpg
Pqw5Coz - Imgur.jpg
pDDwUG6 - Imgur.jpg
PZ1ERSX - Imgur.jpg
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And I've got... nothing :rolleyes1:
Everyone cracked and tap roots exposed, guess they're just taking their time. Its been pretty cold so I moved them into the diy tent to warm up.

I have a few more auto seeds but don't want to end up with more girls than I have the space for.

Autos are in the rockwool and the coco has Purple Trainwreck reg seeds gifted from a friend.

Nice i will keep an eye on this one. I never was able to get my gsc to crack open. But i liked the fast buds GG moved over to mephisto now but looking forward to trying Dutch passion soon. Good luck with your grow.
Count me in.ur gna do great with the dwarf star.good times ahead.happy growing;)
Somango was the first to show her head 2/14 and all the others followed: GSC 2/15, Bubblegum 2/16 and, the ironically slow, Speed Haze 2/17.

Somango's 1st day

All the girls were placed in their permanent homes today, 2/19, 2 gallon fabric pots. The coco was flushed and watered with 5 ml/gallon CaliMagic, 5.9 pH.

Next step will be to setup and add my drip system then we'll be set. Life has been and will be super busy so I want to make this whole grow as simple as possible. Also down to the 1 tent: 2' (60 cm) x 2' (60 cm) x 4' (122 cm). It's going to get tight in there. New goal: minimum 56 grams per plant which will put me at 1 gram per watt. It IS possible, just don't know if it's possible for me at this level but I have to push myself if I want to become a better grower.

Top left: GSC - Bottom left: Somango - Top right: Speed Haze - Bottom right: Bubblegum


Somango seedling outgrown her rockwool cube so she wasn't happy today. She had roots shooting out of the rockwool in every direction. Hopefully they're back perky next time I check her.
Cool. My first grow i did 4 in my 2x2 in 3 gal fab pots I did not come close to your goal, it is ambitious for sure. You dont have much space in there i expected more space with 2 gal pots would be available. How many 2 gallon pots do you think you can fit in there? I thought 9 may be packed in there. Whats your plan.
Cool. My first grow i did 4 in my 2x2 in 3 gal fab pots I did not come close to your goal, it is ambitious for sure. You dont have much space in there i expected more space with 2 gal pots would be available. How many 2 gallon pots do you think you can fit in there? I thought 9 may be packed in there. Whats your plan.

I can't see more than 6 2-gal pots going in this tent and that would be pushing it. My plan is to LST. Maybe top 1 or 2 at 21 days depending on how the grow in the next week or so. I want to SCROG but I also like pulling my girls out to examine them and defoliate.

I won't be heartbroken if I can't reach 1 gpw but I have to try, then try again and again until it's accomplished.

sidenote: Maintence guy is coming to fix our toilet today and I have about 20 gallons of coco sitting in a rubbermaid tote in my bathroom. Today should be fun lol
Late is better than never. Been super busy with work, school, traveling. But I'm back and the girls are actually thriving. Had problems with maxibloom, stunted growth, brown spots on leaves, etc etc, so I went back to micro/bloom and we've been moving ahead. Left for a week so I had to rig up a recirculating water system and the girls love it.

All the girls are showing pistils at this point, although GSC was the 1st. The tent is packed already. Now the fun begins.



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What kind of wating system did you come up with?
Looking good keep it up bro