Indoor Muddy's BOM Prize Grow

Plants are 6 weeks old today. Ran into a little pH issue on this grow. I can no longer get bulk worm castings so am now growing in straight Pro Mix. That change has, of course, changed the pH of my base mix. Testing showed it to be at 6.5, and since this is soil less and that requires a slightly lower pH, I added some sulfur to lower the pH. I added a bit too much and my pH dropped to 5.2 - 5.4. I added 1/2 teaspoon of hydrated lime to the next feeding and that brought the pH back up to a good level, 5.8 - 6.2. Unfortunately by the time the change was effective the BB and PR were stunted. They have stopped their vertical growth at 10 and 12", so yield will be down on those. I'll be switching them over to flowering nutes on their next feeding.

Fortunately the SJs are still vegging and I got to them in time. They immediately responded to the pH adjustment and are back to growing strong, 1-2" of new growth a day. As of yesterday they were at 16 and 18". With about another 2 weeks of veg left I expect they should get at least 3' tall, which creates a head room issue. My vertical space is about 6' and they are in taller pots, so I'm going to run out of room. So yesterday I made a decision. They are two different phenos. The taller one is more of a single cola pheno so I've decided to LST it. The smaller one is bushier and has more side branching, so I topped that one. Hopefully this will allow me to keep a more even canopy top.
I am amazed that one of the 3 year old seeds sprouted. Shows how robust they can be. Thanks for the preparation tips, I will try watering my pots before I tier up.

I have got to see how this turns out :)
Hey brothaman, how are the ladies doin? Lookin forward to seeing pics of your LST job! :smokebuds:
I took some Sunday but haven't had time to post them yet. Will get it done tonight.
Haven't updated in awhile so here's what's been going on. The plants were 7 weeks old on Sunday when I took these pictures. These two have suffered some from the pH issues I've had this grow. I sometimes try to experiment a little too much and the results aren't always the best, as is the case here. They topped out at about 11 and 14". So far they have had one feeding of flowering nutes at 1/4 strength. The buds are filling out and they are looking like they should still give a descent yield despite their troubles.

Bad Betty on the left, Pakistani Ryder on the right.


The Samurai Jacks are doing nicely. They are in the same soil mix so have also suffered from some pH issues, but seem to have tolerated it pretty well. It did stunt them a little, but given their size and my space, that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. I did go ahead and top the one and LST the other. Both have responded very well. The topped one now has 4 branches at the top all about the same size and height. It still only has a few pistols at the nodes and hasn't developed any pre flowers yet. It's 18" tall and it looks like it's growth is starting to slow, so maybe time to switch nutes on it soon. The other one is loving the LST. It's got 18 bud sites on it, all standing straight up. It's still showing strong vertical growth and good node spacing. It's looking like it could really pack on some bud.
