New Grower MrGoat 1st Journal, 1st Indoor Grow

Got love that BB bud. Sweet sweet work @MrGoat
Thx Mr @Nosias

Chopped all but the mains on 2 of 3 the blackberrys. The 3rd is the freaky big black bbk, trimmed a couple small limbs off.
Have had too much fun the last 2 days.

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Such a beauty that BB be, for certain. OH THE COLORS !!!!!!!

Have fun trimming. You will have more fun as the weed is a gift that keeps on kicking.
Will do Nosias, we trimmed off and on for about 8 hours this weekend. That was for 3 plants and left the main on each of those 3 for later in the week. Still have 2 full Cash Crops for later in the week plus the bigass black blackberry kush, the extra black is
Is for the black buds on it.
Its side limbs are as big as the mains on the other 2 BBKs.

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Looks delicious awesome job I'm still waiting on mine to finish

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Looks delicious awesome job I'm still waiting on mine to finish

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On 2 BBKs and the Polar Express, We just took all the side limbs off, left the mains for later this week. Still have 2 cash crops and the hugh BBK to start on later this week. The big BBKs side limbs are as big or bigger than the other 2 BBK mains.

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Still have 2 BBKs with only the mains, 1 giant BBK in all its glory, 1 polar express with only main and 1 big side limb and 2 full cash crops.
Will finish off the polar express tonight as well as the 2 BBKs.
Cash Crop will takre this weekend. I have 4 seedlings ready to move in.

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