Grow Room Mr.Sparkle’s Arduino Controlled 5 Gal Bucket Micro Grow 2017

Day 52, well we will see how they finish out over the next week as i'll be away, some are pretty close but we will see how they do.

This will be the start of round 3

Had some other plants in here but moved them over to my pc case due to a springtail issue that i would like to get rid of, and also so i didn't have to run two boxes/buckets, But my Mephisto Seeds finally showed up from the July Sale which was fully due to my local postal service, but gives me an excuse to fire this thing back up.

I did a couple of changes such as swapping out the DHT sensor with one of my old ones as the humidity sensor was buggered since i got it wet a ways back in the last run. Also am trying a Specular reflection for stray light this round instead of a diffuse reflection that i get with flat white paint. Other than that everything is the same, well the pots are a tad smaller "shorter" as i seemed to have made two different sizes but went through my pots and threw out the ones i didn't need, and have a smaller set for this bucket and a slightly taller set for the pc case now.

And a correction for some previous info i'm running at 34w total not 37w that i thought i was for whatever reason. Oh forgot to add, we have some Auto Blues Purple Pheno, Gold Blues, Sour Crinkle, and some Blue Tooth about to be popping soil by mid week.

This will be the start of round 3
Oh forgot to add, we have some Auto Blues Purple Pheno, Gold Blues, Sour Crinkle, and some Blue Tooth about to be popping soil by mid week.
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Can't wait! I love this 5 gallon micro-bucket thingy! It's honestly what first got me interested in micro-growing.
Love your pc case setups too.
Keep on a-growin, my friend.
I'll be a-watchin.
Day 4 The lower Right plant may not make it or be pulled if it doesnt catch up, was an issue with the seed which was the Auto Blues Purple Pheno freebie so i can't complain being what it was, but it just sorta acted the same as an underdeveloped seed as it was the slowest to crack its shell then it through a very weak tap root which was growing very slowly in comparison to normal, then didn't burrow much and tried popping leaves instead which allowed it to dry out a bit being only in the top layer of coco and not into the good wet zone, so replanted and made sure it has remained wet but its lagging pretty hard by the looks of it.

If it does go its not that bad as i only really wanted to run 3 plants this round anyways, to give them all a little bit more space.

Water Setpoint is at 600
need to change it too 640ish

Day 13 Moved the mutant Auto Blues over to my pc case as it was gonna get overgrown, but so far this bucket has been running very smoothly, literally haven't touched anything in the first two weeks so far, so if it keeps it up we will have a smooth run.

Day 17 i guess, have or had what looks to be a magnesium deficiency, but i have a hunch i've been running my pH too high which is causing a lock out, so made a new reservoir batch as it was almost out anyways and have started transitioning over too bloom nutrients and am running at a lower pH on this, so we will see if it corrects it self which it looks like its doing already.
