mr.mcgregors current non-af to af projects

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im going to try for a march start in the greenhouse, il start small and see what happens.

heres the photo i referd to in my last post..... oh well it wont let me upload it. il try again later
Front middle and top right caught my eye, of the bunch.

If that front row middle one, is one of the OG's. I bet she will be some good smoke! She is looking nice!! Those fans remind me of some one :D

Hows the vigor on them mate? They look like they are starting to go for ya!
I know front middle is definetly one of the og il have to inspect them tommorow and see what the back right is (i think its a male og)

when i got them fully auto can you back cross for me?
I know front middle is definetly one of the og il have to inspect them tommorow and see what the back right is (i think its a male og)

when i got them fully auto can you back cross for me?

I could probably do that. We'll work out the logistics when you are ready. Might not be the same OG, if i can get the raskalsOG cutting. I am going to keep that around, it's a better og imo.
Disaster day :( I ran out of weed and havnt been able to get hold of anything worth paying for, I been a week without weed. I been in bed in lots of pain, not been able to sleep and when I do im starting to dream again which isnt good. I havnt been able to check on the fridge freezer for a few days, I just been to look now and everything is burnt to a crisp! at the best the might be 1 plant I can salvage but the way im feeling at the moment its going to be to much trouble. the bulb I had in there has blown (proberbly from the excessive heat) so im proper fucked anway!
oh shit fuck dude! I'm really sorry to hear that man... been wathin ur impressive grows and really enjoying them.... Wish I could help you out some how....
good karma sent for your pain and your girls bro

thanks bro :)

luckly I had repotted 4 sr3xsfvog into hempy buckets and moved under the HPS in my bedroom which are all growing still. but my male sr3xsfvof & wwxmi5 keepers have been deep fried so I dont think either cross is going to happen :( im hoping the is some viable pollen on them but only a slim chance, also I cant get out the house (struggling to get out of bed) to get a new CFL for the fridge freezer so anything with a little life left in it is slowly dieing anyway. I got some smoke sorted (pineapple) but its not ready for harvest for another 5-7 days then dry time so im going to be bed ridden for a while longer, im getting it at £120 a oz which is pretty good seen as the going rate now seems to be £10 for 0.8g - 1g!!!!!!, I never relized how much pain im in untill this week! (
shit dude... I feel for ya bro... glad you could spare some... gotta love redundancy! sorry to hear you're in so much pain... what is your condition from? (forgive me I cant remember) Yeah, those are great prices... ere in the us its btween $300 - $400 / oz.... so if i run out I'm basically fuked! and , of course, all because its not legal... r wed have asurplus of medicine everywhere!