Grow Mediums Mr and Mrs AutoOtto's medical cannabis Autoflower grow diary

7/29/13: Went and picked up some Orca last night down at the local hydro shop, only 40 bucks and they discounted me a little more than the sales tax. I know it would have been very helpful to have this from about the 2 week mark on, but we felt that this was one item we could no longer say wasn't "in the budget" since we are seeing some explosive vegetative growth on these babies, meaning the biological clock is ticking on these ladies now and any beneficial stuff withheld past this point will damage our overall results, so when I got home last night, went ahead and did the bucket change that was scheduled on 5 of the girls, kept it on a light week 3 veg nute regimen for now+3ml of Orca to every 3 gallon reservoir. Also added 3ml to the other 7 reservoirs. Then, this morning a friend showed up and dropped by the final piece to the puzzle (as far as nutrients go) The only thing I had been missing from our Humboldt nutrient line (aside from the roots products, which are all replaced by orca) was the Structural Integrity (the Silicate derivative) he brought that by and I went ahead and added it to every reservoir (about 2ml) and I am now satisfied that these ladies have all they need to reach their full potential, at least as far as food goes, electrician coming out Friday, and we should be able to get this lighting thing well in hand, if we do manage to do so at that time, the final ventilation system, and the clean room will be installed within a day or two after, excited to get things rolling in the way we wanted to from the beginning.
7/31/13: The other Goji OG sprouted, regular seeds, so that gives us 2 chances at a mother, and out of our potential mother plants that leaves only the Blueberry Headband having yet to sprout, I have a feeling by tomorrow morning though that she'll have broken the surface Well, suppose I will leave you with some shots of the progress in the garden, and some of the seedling mothers.

The mommas first, Brooklyn Mango:

Sweet Deep Grapefruit:

Goji OG#1:

Goji OG#2:

NL auto #2 seems to be the beast of this particular grow, look at 'er go!

Some shots of all the plants:

Hop digity

:stylez rasta smoke:
:slap:You deserve this as great posts. Girls are lookin great folks!:clap::group:
:slap:You deserve this as great posts. Girls are lookin great folks!:clap::group:

Well you definitely deserve one right back, so... :slap: Thanks my friend, much appreciated! I know I'm a noobie grower, but I try to make up for it with thorough and well written posts, thank you for noticing

Oh, btw 5 for 5 on the mother plants we started the other day, the Blueberry Headband sprouted yesterday morn

:stylez rasta smoke:
Well you definitely deserve one right back, so... :slap: Thanks my friend, much appreciated! I know I'm a noobie grower, but I try to make up for it with thorough and well written posts, thank you for noticing


Us noobies got to stick together. Thanks autoOtto
Sitting here debating whether to post or not tonight. But it's been a long day, and don't have pics yet of all the work I got done on the auto room today , so I think I'll wait and get in a nice detailed post tomorrow, but suffice it to say, I finally got the auto room totally sealed up, fresh, filtered, CO2 rich air is coming in the intake through an air cooled HPS thousie and out the other end through my 440CFM Eco inline fan, and being exhausted out of the room through our SoleusAir 14,000btu A/C-heater-fan-dehumidifier, creating a nice negative pressure in the room. Gonna build the "clean room" out of staples, duct tape and 6mil plastic sheeting tomorrow, today is the last day I'll be entering the grow not dressed in a full body tyvek suit. Now that the room is sealed up, don't want anything going in there except what we want in our grow room, gonna get all scientific up in this bitch!!!!

:stylez rasta smoke:
Awesome. Someday I hope to have a space like that.
8/2/13: Kind of let the 3 Rainbow Jones clones go a few days over a week on the bucket change, so since it's time for a bucket change in the other 4 autos, just decided to combine those 7 and make all of their bucket changes on Thursdays. Here on monday, my buddy is bringing by 2 clones of Kosher Kush (unrooted) and 1 Super Lemon (rooted) and we'll be figuring those into the bucket changes as well, prob work them into the Sunday batch so will have 8 buckets to change on Sundays and 7 on Thursdays. Ph swing still being quite reasonable.

8/3/13: got my TDS pen today, although I don't really feel I hurt myself much not having it, it's nice to have another indicator to let me know if I'm doing things right. Checked the PPM's in the buckets and even with multiple ph bufferings they all fell between 300 and 500 or so PPM's the one thing I was concerned about was that I might be overfeeding, but these levels clearly indicate that I was right where I wanted to be, that is, on the low side, and now I believe next bucket change we'll ramp up the PPM's a little from here on out and see what happens.

8/5/13: My electrician flaked out on me he was supposed to come by yesterday, and I decided to wait on getting theses 600w MH's going until I could actually pay an electrician (this was a friend of a friend I was gonna pay a little bit down the line, though he was a licensed electrician) so my buddy had told me if that didn't work out let him know and he'd bring me out another thousie, which he did this morning, along with the clones I mentioned before, also, yesterday I finally got my buddy to cut those boards to fit in the windows for our exhausts and intakes for the rooms, so over the course of today and tomorrow, finally gonna be able to finish and seal up the auto room, so excited!

8/6/13: My buddy brought me out 2 340CFM 6" inline fans to intake and exhaust the mother/clone and seedling/photoperiod flower side of the basement. Need to get some more flexi-ducting and clamps, but gonna get them going over there in the next couple days, will be really nice to have everything properly ventilated. took the morning and afternoon and put the finishing touches on the auto room and constructed the clean room out of 6 mil plastic sheeting, staples and duct tape and it actually eliminated any trace of odor when you open the basement door, but when you unzip the clean room and step inside, whoo-hoo, quite the lovely canna smell :D: here's some photos of all the work that just got done and how the plants are doing, til next time

:stylez rasta smoke:

Some ventilation work:

Wanting to get the Brooklyn Mango and Sweet deep Grapefruit mothers off to a quick start, my friend dropped by a seed warming mat:


The completed "clean room" with Tyvek coveralls hanging on the far wall:

Got the nutes sitting in the cool and shade under the ballast shelf

Suit up!

NL auto #2, shes a beast:

But got a little too vigorous prepping her for LST, a little duct tape and a few days, good as new hopefully:

any pruning tips or should I let her go wild?

All the plants (more or less) in one shot:

Conditions in the auto room:

The new clones my friend brought (the tall rooted one is the SLH):

This Kosher Kush is just beginning to root, too small to see tho:

The other Kosher, not as far along yet:

Keep my most used tools handy on the shelf next to the clean room, just finally picked up a TDS pen, lol:

Finally, some update photos on Marsha, the day after I tied her down:

And today, nearly week 3 of flower now:

Gonna go Huckleberry hunting tomorrow, another update when the ventilation is complete in the other side of the basement

:stylez rasta smoke:
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If your auto is going to infringe upon a neighbor: You can just use a simple branch training technique. Otherwise, go jungle wild and let her do her thing.

On my next grow, I will do a SOG or SCROG deal with netting. Your set up looks perfect for it.
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Lookin forward to the pics.