Grow Mediums Mr and Mrs AutoOtto's medical cannabis Autoflower grow diary

Can you tell me about your RO system. Looks small and simple. Carrying 5 gallon jugs in ever week gets tiring.

Bright light ought to turn her into an Amazon woman. Looks like she is enjoying her training.
Had to research online a little, as I have the one I'm using due to the generosity of a friend, but turns out this unit gets extremely good consumer reviews, and our plants certainly have perked up subsequent to watering with its water. Looks like it retails for around $200, but I was able to find one on ebay for $160 including shipping you might also get lucky and come across one locally on craigslist for $100 or less, but it does 100 gallons a day, way more than enough for me at this point, but nice to have the capacity. It is nice because it doesn't use electricity at all, just water pressure. The flipside to that is, you have to have at least 50(psi, I think?) or whatever water pressure is measured in, and the most you can run it at it is 80. It screws right on to a standard hose fitting, I disconnect the hose to our washer, and hook it up there. The water runs through the 2 filters and one hose disposes of waste water, and the other you put in your bucket or reservoir to collect your clean, pure water (0ppm) Kind of surprised me at first, but more comes out the waste water hose than the good one, lol. We have a drain right in the floor next to the washer which is convenient, if left unattended and forgotten you could do a lot of water damage somewhere. But it's definitely more attractive option than carrying in large amounts of water imo, and well worth the investment if you're contemplating it.
7/21/13: So impressed with how Marsha responded to training, I had to update this morning!


Thought it would take a day of light to respond this way at least and since I tied her down last night right before her bedtime thought I'd be waiting til at least this evening before I saw these results, but immediately, the ends of all the branches curved upward to stretch into cola-dom and so did all the intermediate nodes. I'm counting something like 30+ competitors to be a top cola, and I know most plants stretch half again their size in bloom, so looks like this could be a nice harvest in 9 or so weeks stylez rasta smoke
:clap: Bonsai! !! Well that's what I think when I'm scroggin and trimin the lower branchs. Nicely done.
7/21/13: Went down to get the adapters to hook up all the buckets to the air pump today, along with some more air line, and finally went down and got all the remaining buckets bubbling. 4 days since we changed the four buckets we already had bubbling, so bucket changes will be staggered nicely, change four buckets on wednesdays, and five on sundays. All on week 3 veg nutes still, and although I'm sure we'll have a fresh round of it with the addition of the new reservoirs, ph swing has been all but eliminated in the four we already had going, nice to see. Like the extra perc of the airstones, but eliminated all of them today. They are just another thing to get dirty and have to clean, and I feel we get plenty of bubbles without them. Even quite happy with the airflow splitting each line two ways. The final one we have to split three ways, and not quite as happy with the airflow there, but still think it should be adequate to the task.

bubbling buckets, pumps and splitters and lovely taproots:

three of the plants are having some trouble, looks like progression of iron deficiency to me, but maybe some of you experienced growers out there could confirm or re-diagnose that for us.

Here's some pics:

The one remaining "iffy" plant (one of the NL auto) passed on, leaving us with nine fairly well established autos this run. Ready to just focus all our resources and energy into these plants, get 'em out of veg, and into the home stretch!

stylez rasta smoke
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Thanks for RO info. Will be--:pop:.
7/22/13: My friend brought over 3 rooted clones of Rainbow Jones,


and having learned our lesson from our initial problems we had with our first starts, I filled a bucket a little over half full with perlite and poured RO water in until it looked close to full, then ph'd it down to 5.4.


Will let it soak overnight and re ph in in the morning if necessary, then pull some roots through the bottom of the net pots and cover them up with the perlite. These are just a photo strain, but they can veg alongside the autos for a month, or whatever veg time they need.

7/23/13: Transplanted the clones without incedent, they seem to like it in their new home so far. They had a little ugly growth on them and some dying leaves, gave them a haircut of all that unsightly stuff, and they looked much nicer


I call this one "Too Tall" Jones, she had a long stalk on her easy to bury in a sizable dirt container, but a little long for a net pot, good thing we have 8 inch net pots is all I can say

The other two:

7/24/13: Quick update on the Martian Kush, she's throwing some sexy little preflowers


Although I tried that hydrogen peroxide solution for the green algae on the autos, it didn't seem to be too effective, as you can see it spread quite quickly


so we decided to simply scoop the top layer off of the growing medium with a tablespoon. After doing this however, I realized that the root system actually began at a quite shallow depth and on some of the plants, I was actually undermining the support of the plant taking that tiny layer off. So again, I filled a bucket full of perlite for a soak, have been meaning to cut off their bottom sets of baby leaves and bury them up to their first "real" set for a little bit anyway. Supposed to change four buckets today, but fell short on time and decided a week and a day would be fine for those buckets, I'll get it tomorrow.

7/25/13: Buried all the girls up to their first "real" set of leaves with fresh clean perlite, I had spooned away virtually all of the algae and any small vestige that might have remained is now buried in fresh, clean, pearly white volcanic rock. NL auto#2 is really starting to stretch, she was the first one to get topped today,


but there are others that aren't that far behind her


The Lemon Juice Expresses have perked up

and, so in fact have all the plants that weren't doing so well even this one went from this:

to this:

Changed the four buckets I didn't get to yesterday, just stayed with week 3 veg nutes again, slightly diluted this time, decided that since the girls had gotten a slow start, I wanted to give them plenty of chance to develop lots of nice green foilage. Definitely loving the direction things are taking, and should have our electrical/lighting woes figured out next week. Looking forward to showcasing some explosive growth

Hop digity
stylez rasta smoke
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Looking awesome! So green an cheerful. I had a little algae on one of mine I just hid it under the cover so as little light as possible got to it. Maybe before you put the screw hooks in you could fit some panda poly or orca fabric over the tops. Would block the light out, no mre algae.
7/28/13: Just planted our first round of photoperiod mothers in 7 gallon cloth pots last night. A Brooklyn Mango by Dr. Underground, a Sweet Deep Grapefruit by Dinafem and a Blueberry Headband from Emerald Triangle seeds, all feminized along with 2 Goji Og from Bhodi seeds non-fem, so hope we get a momma, although some pollen to breed with could have potential as well, I guess. Filled the pots about halfway with Black Gold potting soil mix and mixed a couple quarts of perlite in each one for extra aeration, when the mommas start to stretch we'll fill the pots the rest of the way burying them up to their first set of leaves as we are in the bubble buckets. Since the Martian Kush is in flower, can't keep the mothers in that room, so until they get their own dedicated chamber (soon) we moved them into the auto room and they can veg there for now.


Woke up about 4:20 this morning, and decided since the girls had just woke up as well, would go down and do some work in the auto room. Lowered the level in all the buckets with roots poking through, want to make them stretch for the res, raised the water level in all the buckets yet to show roots so that the water just touches the bottom of the net pots in those ones, want to give them all the fuel they can to build a root system that stretches into the bucket. Adjusted ph on all the buckets, a few had major ph swing, but all in all liking what I'm seeing in that regard. Bucket change today on 5 of them, I'll do that later in the day. Got all the ph levels and the water levels where we wanted them, and decided to come up and look over this thread, was sort of wondering when we're gonna see the explosive growth, and realized, looking back at pics we posted only 11 days ago


and comparing them with what they look like now


that it's happening right in front of me and I just didn't notice it. Excited to see what the next 11 days will bring

:stylez rasta smoke:
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I know what you mean about not seen growth. When I'm in there several times a day you just don't see it. Then you look back at the past pics and BOOM! awesome folks. Grow grow grow!
Full update later today, but had to hop on and let you guys know that 3 of the 5 mothers we planted on the 27th sprouted last night! The Brooklyn Mango the Sweet Deep Grapefruit and one of the Goji OG's. Still waiting on the other Goji and the Blueberry Headband, but words cannot convey how excited I am for the Brooklyn Mango, hope we get a killer cut of it!

:stylez rasta smoke: