Outdoor moving autoflower from indoors 24/0 to outdoors?



so in my process of moving i lost my bap, when i finally found it, it was to late. my fast bud #2 is now bigger than my grow cab.

do you guys and gals think that i will see a significant difference in yield and quality if i moved this plant to outdoors? id keep it in hydro, put it in a larger pot and i could bring it in at night to get ambient light from the light im using for my clones. im not sure what else to do. it can get sun outside from 9am until around 6-7pm think it will finish ok? it getting near day 40 since it broke ground.

it'll finish but yield will suffer. Have you considered supercropping?
i just dont have room. i will be cutting a few clones off it, but im afraid to top it. super cropping wouldnt work either, im very limeted on space in all directions. ill put it outsiide and put a clone of it in the pot its currentley in and place that inside. thanks!
You might get a little less off of it but it should do fine. Just acclimate is slowly. A couple days in a semi shaded area before giving it full sun.
the good news is ive been keeping it outside since it was a seedling, during the day in full sun. it was only going into the cabinet at night. ill just place it outside of the cabinet at night, nothing else changes except the pot its in...

so i had a normal nursery pot, maybe 3.5 gallons with drainage holes on the bottom. the plant was in a hempy bucket so i had to improvise. instead of having a resevoir at the bottom which was a bucket full of perlite with a hole two inches up i used coco. so bottom drainage holes, large drainage pebbles, then 2 inches of pure coco coir. after that it was the normal 1:1 coco perlite mix around the plant. the plants roots that would be in the rez are now ontop of the coco.

i watered it so that the coco holds a significant amount of moisture instead of having a typical rez. i just water it slowly just as before and when water drains out the bottom i water for a a few more seconds. im not sure if this is a technique that anyone uses ive never seen it before, just thought of it on the spot. this way i can use cheapo nursery pots and still do passive hydroponics. hope it works out.
just did this with my plant, too much smell so i put her outside from 24/0 to whatever light it can get outdoors. stunted for a few days but lots of trich production since the dark period was introduced. should be just fine.
I've also just done this with my GH x LR plant. My SCH's are taking up too much space in my room.