The 2nd most common advice I give on this site is that deficiencies do not automatically mean to "add more nutrients".. At some point you will have to learn what each nutrient does, and how they all interact with other nutrients. About 85-90% of the deficiencies I see, are caused by a lock out. Either a ph lock out, or a nutrient lock out. You might as well start digging into all of that early on! Just based off of your description I can safely assume that you don't need more calimagic. Too much calcium will lock out magnesium and make it unavailable to the plant. Too much magnesium, and you lock out calcium, making it unavailable to the plant. Too much potassium will lock out both calcium and magnesium. In these situations you would need a ppm pen to check the ppms of the run off.. Then flush until the ppms are back in a normal range. Adding more is rarely the answer. Just keep in mind that you're growing a plant that will be dead in less than 90 days! It really doesnt need much feeding at all.. All of these nutrient products were designed to grow tomatoes and annual flowers and leafy veggies.. Not cannabis.. And definitely not autoflowers.yeah you're absolutely right about that, except my dumb ass did the following:
1) washed my pre-charged/ph adjusted coco before planting like an idiot
2) didnt properly buffer my coco
3) neglected to use appropriate levels of my base nutrient (Mega Crop. i used too little.) throughout my grow.
4) Kept changing the amount of nutes weekly instead of being patient and giving it time to adjust.
5) used coco intermittently instead of consistently.
basically, after week 4...everything just slowly started turning into a disaster all because i didnt have a steady feed schedule and because the coco was holding on to the magnesium. Right now im having magnesium problems for sure. I'm also having nute burned tips. So im thinking of mixing up a batch of 3.5g/gal Mega Crop with 3.5ml/gal of CALiMAGic and hold it at 6.0-6.1pH.
So just "keep that in mind" as I like to say.