Indoor Mossy's Original Purple JEMS & Duurty Dragons

Reminds me of my tropical betty
Well...she definitely looks Peach in the first 3 photos..the last one looks more pink..but probably just the light.

Yeah SirC...yours looks Peachy too...Normally..the Peach has a creamier taste than the Pinks..vanilla-y..

she is just darling WVR !!i'm lovin all the naughty pics bro!!
Why thank you my brother! :smokebuds: It's the sexy ones that bring out the devil in me! :firedevil: And my oh my does Wiz know how to breed a SEXY lady! :dancer: OH sh*t! I haven't broke out the Auto Siren in a long while!! :dancer: She's dancing the Purple Dance of Loveliness! Where's Snooch! He love's it when I break out the Siren! I'll have to drop by his thread and leave him the Naughty Dancer! :pop: Oh dang! I just looked up the screen and see you got a Dragon's Lair thread! Need to get my butt over there! :D