Mephisto Genetics MoreBerry's First Grow Journal/Photos! Sour Crack and Stomper

Mar 21, 2017
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Hey everyone,

I finally decided to start documenting at least part of my first grow! So far I am at day 49-ish with my Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] and day 48-ish with my Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. I also have 1 Sour Crack at day 34 and 2 Sour Stompers at day 34.

They are being grown under 8 Citizen 1212 COBs (mix of 4k and 3.5k) driven at 1400ma. 50 watts each and 400 watts total. I also have 1 mars hydro 300 and 1 viparspectra 300, for a total of around 650 watts in the tent.

The 3 younger plants are being grown with KIND soil and coco loco. 2 plants (SS2 and SC2) are being given general organics calmag 2-0-0 and recharge, the other plant (SS3) is being given nothing. SS2 and SC2 are also receiving LST, while SS3 is just growing. All 3 are in 3 gallon fabric pots.

The 2 older plants are being grown in a mixture of patio plus and roots 707. The Sour Crack 1 is in a 3 gallon airpot and the Sour Stomper 1 is in a 5 gallon airpot. I am feeding them a modified version of @TaNg 's easy auto schedule. I have been using AN Sensi Boom A&B, AN CalMag, Carboload, and Overdrive. I have also added a little SuperThrive, Recharge, and General Organics CalMag (lower N value).

On to the fun part... PICTURES! :smoking:

Here is Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] at Day 49-ish. Looking fat and frosty. Standing at around 24 inches tall.


This is the top of SS#1's main cola


Here is one of her side colas. This one split into 2 buds at the top. Pretty cool. It acted like I topped it. My SS3 plant actually has this on a few of it's side colas.


Here is Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] at day 48-ish. She is standing at around 12 inches but she is WIDE and bushy.


Here are 2 pics of her main cola



One side bud...


And finally a group shot... You can see the babies, the old mephistos, and then the 2 blackberries (1 Fastbuds and 1 Dutch Passion)

Day 50 for Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Feeding herabout half a gallon of feed --> 2ml Sensi Grow A, 3ml Sensi Grow B, 1.5ml Calmag, 1.5ml Overdrive, 2ml Carboload, 0.5ml SuperThrive

And here she is!!

This is the side bud closest to the door of my tent and easiest to photograph :)
I'll break out the tripod next time!



I am seeing a couple amber heads and some milky/cloudy heads too. I still have white pistils though. According to mephisto, Sour Stomper should be harvested in the next 10 to 15 days. Not sure what to expect honestly. Any advice out there? She seems to be getting fatter still and is still super green/healthy looking.
Looking good! Make sure you have good airflow, those Sour Cracks get dense an being so close to the pots you increase your chances for mold/bud rot. Will be watching, I have some Sour Stompers just started!

I was definitely concerned about that. I might move her closer to the light now that you have said that.

Her main cola is thick.
Day 51 for SS1 and SC1. Day 36 for the young'ns

Here is a shot of Sour Crack [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] outside of the tent in her 3 gallon airpot


She is short and bushy for sure.



Here is SC [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in her 3 gallon fabric pot... She is only about 10 inches tall and mega bushy as well.


Lastly here is Sour Stomper [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] in her 3 gallon fabric pot. Her main cola is standing around 20 inches and one of the other budsites is around 21 inches from the soil. After this photo, I tied the main cola down again and moved some leaves/branches. I am REALLY excited about this plant.

2 reasons! First, early in the grow I stunted them a little with N toxicity, so I backed off on the Sensi A a little. Now I am backing off of it because I fed 4ml of CalMag per gallon All 4 of the older plants showed signs of N tox at the beginning of the grow and then showed CalMag deficency (minimal) 2 weeks ago. I was feeding 6ml A/B before the CalMag deficency, but now I am adding 3 or 4ml of CalMag per gallon. Advanced Nutrition CalMag is 4-0-0 and I didn't want to experience N toxicity again, so I just backed off the Sensi A and allowed the plants to get nitrogen from their CalMag.

**I think the calmag deficiency started because I fed RO water a couple times during that week and I am under 600 watts of COBs and LEDs??**

I did order a low N organic CalMag too but it was fucking with the PH, so I will use that on my organic plants only. :)
The young plants are basically water only, in kind soil. My young sour crack is getting recharge/superthrive/calmag, one of my young sour stompers is getting recharge/superthrive/calmag, and the other sour stomper is getting straight PH'd tap water (citric acid crystals added to a PH of 6.5 to 6.8)

**I decided to do an organic grow to compare to the Tang's easy schedule grow. Also, I figured that the organic grow would be incredibly easy and hard to fuck up. So if I fucked up the easy schedule grow, I'd still get some weed! I hate buying weed**
Hey @mephisto based on the photos, do you think I should start flushing soon? Right now, my plan is to start a 10 day PH'd water flush on Sour Crack#1 at day 53 (TODAY!)... She looks really healthy though and some members seem to suggest that the plant's leaves should be dying off prior to harvest? I am thinking the Sour Stomper#1 should start the flush between day 55 and day 60, for a finish at day 65-70.
Here are some photos of SS#1



