Indoor Moonijuana 2: The Remooning (Delicious Sugar Black Rose & Heavyweight Massive Midget)

Awesome growth, makes me wanna properly train my next plants!
Monday update, everyone! Who else is as excited as me for it to be DAY 32? The girls are getting lush and lovely in here, and my mouth is watering over the potential harvest! But enough of my babbling, here's the stars of the thread, my girls. Firstly, a group shot (S.B.R. on the left, M.M. on the right):


The Massive Midget has shot right past the frame by a couple inches now, and the plants are actually pushing the SCROG frame upwards with the force of their growth. Meanwhile, the tell-tale canopy of bud sites from a SCROG grow are showing up perfectly on the left with the Sugar Black Rose, though the main cola is towering over the lesser sites. It's gorgeous. Today the count of cola sites has gone up: the Sugar Black Rose has 13 total sites (including the beautiful primary cola); the Massive Midget has 5 sites and possibly more to come (I'm bending the top stem again, though it forces its way back upright so fast after it hardly seems to matter). Now for some closeups of the girls.

First, the Sugar Black Rose's main cola:

She's hairy, with a lot of space dedicated solely to budding once the switch to flowering comes. Though I've got nothing to show scale, the main cola is at least 2 inches long. I've pulled her down and used a pipe cleaner to secure her to the frame to encourage the other sites to thrive further.

Next, a look at the developing cola for the Massive Midget:

This is before she was trained again today, of course. The top is getting good and hairy, with a couple of promising sites lower on the stem. She's been slower to throw out side branches, but now that she's making her slow and steady progress up I'm trying to encourage the branches to reach for the light. It's all very exciting! The training is going very well.

Overall, both plants are in excellent health. I noticed on Friday a couple of the very bottom fan leaves had turned yellow and one or two here and there have some light discoloration from deficiencies. The dead/drained leaves were removed Friday, and the plants look better today though there's still some light deficiency. Today they were fed a nice broth of RO water, liquid kelp, unsulphured molasses, and epsom salts (to combat potential Cal-Mag issues, as I've been told by several people that's a common issue with LED grows and it might be the case here). I made sure to give them a nice foliar watering in addition to feeding the thirsty soil. The root network must be healthy, as it's slurping nearly a quart of fluid easily each day. If memory serves, flowering is when the girls will get REALLY gluttonous for water and the odd bit of food.

Neither strain is overly stinky, but the smell has become quite noticeable. I used up my whole 30 oz jar of Ona Gel in the last grow (putting some on the screen in the box a little at a time works wonders, but eats it up in a hurry), so I wanted to see how long before I needed it this time. Just have the jar cracked open by the outtake vent is more than enough to kill the smell, so I probably was over-cautious last grow about odor. I don't use ANY form of carbon filtration on the air, so the open jar is literally the only thing fighting the smell. This actually leaves me excited about stinkier grows; putting just a spoonful of Ona in the box every couple days will handle much, MUCH more potent strains than this if a cracked open jar can handle milder strains without trouble.

So, by the end of next week the Sugar Black Rose should have slowed and switched to flowering; I don't know if the Massive Midget will put on height for much longer than that, but with week 5 half over it shouldn't be long before it does anyway. Either way there's a solid 10 days or so of growth left, so I expect I'll see a lot of very strong growth between now and then. I'm feeling very good about this grow's potential: by around this point last grow light and heat damage had killed many leaves and some of the budding sites, and the main cola had snapped clean off the Fantasmo. Both plants are significantly healthier, lusher, and stronger than the last two were at this stage.
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No real differences in appearance today, at least not worth photos. The Sugar Black Rose is putting more height on the main cola, but the speed has dropped a bit. The other cola sites are getting bigger and healthier, so I think we're about done with training for it (here's hoping for a few more sites, but currently I'm over a dozen so I can't complain).

The Massive Midget is finally a bit tamed; the top of the branch is staying horizontal after the last round of training and it's looking good, gradually curving itself up towards the sky instead of brute forcing its way vertical as before. I've counted seven fledgling cola sites on it, up from the five I saw the other day, so training seems to be working its magic slowly but surely.

The very bottom fan leaves on both plants are yellowing, and I've been pruning here and there. I don't think it's a deficiency, because the rest of the plants are extremely green and healthy looking. Instead I'm wondering if it's just lack of light, because the canopy is getting VERY dense as the training goes on and it's always some plant tucked way down at the bottom of the stem.
Welcome everyone to DAY 35. Not much obvious difference today, but both are looking good! Here's the top-down shot of the two, Sugar Black Rose on the left and Massive Midget on the right:


The main cola for the SBR is looking very healthy and strong, gradually putting on height though her main stretch seems to be over. She's got a total of 14 cola sites at the screen (15 if you include the main one), but beneath the canopy there's another half dozen that might just be popcorn bud after all is said and done; small branches and bud sites are showing up scattered under the top of the plant, so I'm very excited about its potential yield.

As for the massive midget, she's behind in bud development but that's just her slow and steady growth it seems. Her main cola is still bending itself up, but it might be the whole weekend before it's finally vertical again. Her side branches are picking up the slack, as hoped. There's now 8 distinct cola sites she's developed (9 if you include the main cola), most of which are on side branches that have forced their way higher (and a couple that are shooting upwards from the trained main stem). She doesn't have below-canopy buds like the SBR, but her canopy isn't quite as dense and all her lower branches have pretty much shot straight up to the screen anyway.

I rotated the trough inside the box today, to test if maybe one side of the box gets better light than the other (not sure how that could be so, but it won't hurt). The soil is moist enough, so it'll just be a nice drink of RO water to kick off the weekend and they should be fine. The aroma from the plants is gradually getting more pungent and noticeable.
Not much difference between yesterday and today; the Massive Midget is putting out more and more hairs on her colas, and they've grown a bit (though the main stem is still VERY slowly turning, so I guess she'll never be a towering thing).

A few more of the leaves have lost some color, but I noticed the soil was fairly dry today. I'll keep an eye on her over the weekend, and hopefully I won't need to put any pictures in the infirmary.

I think it's just mild stress from the soil drying; same thing happened after I had to spend an extended period away from this grow and the leaves turned lush green within days of wetting it.
Good Monday morning to everyone! The smell of weed is in the air here on the moon. Some good news, some bad, as we take a look at this grow on DAY 39. We're over halfway through week 6, so it's just about time for the switch from vegetation to fruiting, and the girls are looking the part! More Moon-Babble after the photos! Firstly, the group photo (SBR on the left, MM on the right):


As you can see, nutrient deficiency has increased over the weekend, so my guess isn't lockout or dry soil, but that their thriving root networks and the lack of dead flowering sites from heat damage are combining to make these plants extra hungry. Adding to that suspicion is the fact that the Sugar Black Rose has much more extensive signs of nutrient deficiency than the Massive Midget, and it's much bigger with a lot more flowering sites putting on weight; it's definitely the hungrier of the two at this point.

Next, a close-up of the Sugar Black Rose:

And her main cola:


Notice that she's got a lot of very promising sites, and white hairs are being joined by orange ones. She's put on a tiny bit more height over the weekend, but I think it's clear she's moved on to flowering. Seeing as there's probably still another 4 to 5 weeks in this grow yet, This bodes VERY well for her yield. She's definitely hungry though, so I'm guessing the rest of the grow will be an effort to keep her sated. Her main cola has, as said, stopped putting on much height but has swollen up considerably. Her buds are already getting nicely sized, and she has about half a dozen sites under the canopy that are going to offer some decent popcorn bud by the look of it.

I'm more and more excited as time goes on with her; you can't tell easily from her pic but in addition to the very sexy colas that have grown all about the canopy, there's tons of smaller bud sites around the screen and just below that are putting on serious volume. While I was aiming for 35g each plant before, I'm wondering if it's possible I could break 50g on her alone. If so, I could get over 1 GPW in a single plant, which makes me excited about what a single plant, babysat well and properly trained and fed, could do in this box. We take our growing seriously here on the moon.

Next, a close up of the Massive Midget:


Slow and steady as she goes; she's got a number of promising sites and the main cola has completely righted itself after its last bout of training. It's hard to tell if she's transitioning to flowering or not yet; her bud sites are putting out more hairs but her growth has been slower this whole time. Her leaves are much healthier overall, though some mild signs of what appear to be N deficiency are showing. I think there may be a tiny bit of Mag deficiency as well, but I just amended the soil for that not long ago, so I'm taking a wait and see approach before dumping more epsom salts into the feedings. At any rate, she's showing promise and I'm optimistic she'll live up to her name. She's a midget for sure, but there's time a plenty for the Massive part to come to pass.

Today was a good soaking and feeding; all purpose organic nutes were added with the water (along with some microbes to make sure it gets turned into food post-haste), and if it doesn't solve the N problems I'm spotting I'll add more blood meal to help. I'm not overly worried, as most of the yellowed leaves are at the very bottoms of the plants and their top leaves have by and large stayed a nice, lush green. A couple here and there are showing slight discoloration (whereas before all the fan leaves I lost had evenly changed color from green to yellow and were shed by the plant itself), and the fact that now a couple nearer the canopy are changing tells me this requires attention before it gets worse. I had wondered if the airpots dried out soil faster, but now I have realized it's the massive root network they encourage. Once the plants get this big, they drink almost as fast as you water, at least in a grow this dense (two plants in a two gallon planter when you could easily get one big plant in that volume).

I may have to switch to one plant at a time from now on at this rate, as I'm wondering if their potential is being hindered by sharing the soil with a partner. Definitely going one Blue Dream for the next grow, and then if that is as generous as a two-plant harvest I'll have to stick with one at a time until I can find a place for a stealth cabinet with more vertical clearance.
Doing a great job there time traveler, soon the moon will have a base growing marijuana to ship to mars (the martians like that red weed). I got a batch o plants about as far along as those, they sure are good looking beauties. Stay cool and cultivate that chronic! Peace in the Middle East and Ruderalis in Corvallis.
DAY 41 is here, and the plants are looking awesome! It's exciting to think I've got a couple weeks yet to go on this grow, because they are just looking amazing! I should mention that I'm using Muddy's threads in the new grower sections to determine how long I have to go; obviously 8 to 9 weeks is about as early as you can expect an auto to be ready (and at least the SBR should be harvestable by then), but I'm thinking 10 or 11 weeks is where I'll push it (especially with the Massive Midget at this rate). Today is a photo-heavy update, with lots to admire. Now, on to the ladies!

Firstly, the group photo. As always, the Sugar Black Rose is on the left, Massive Midget on the right:

You might notice the screen is gone; both plants have largely stopped growing, so I removed it gently to allow that little bit of extra light to hit the plants. Luckily, no stems were wrapped around the screen, so it gently slid up and over. As you can see, both plants are largely a healthy shade of green, though discoloration on the lower leaves is evident on both. Still dealing with some deficiency issues, clearly. I've got some tea brewed today to add, though I also get that my dry all-purpose ferts from yesterday may not be fully absorbed, so I'll have to be careful not to overfeed. I figure some tea and liquid kelp, along with the ferts added yesterday, should be enough to keep them healthy until harvest.

Next, a better look at the Sugar Black Rose:

The bud sites are getting heftier and denser as the plant has clearly moved into its flowering stage. Height has pretty much stopped, and the main cola itself is getting fatter and fatter. I'm very excited about this one; it's hard to tell from the pictures, but a lot of secondary sites are really starting to put on volume. I'm fairly confident that I can hit the 50g mark on this plant at this rate. Next, a better look at said main cola:

You can really see from this angle that the pistils and hairs are adding up, taking up nearly every bit of open space on her. Also, this marks the official beginning of trichome production on this plant: a light dusting around the cola and a few bits here and there on other leaves have grown over the past few days. I'm hoping this means the main cola will be one frosty specimen by the time she's ready to chop!

Now for a better look at the Massive Midget:

As you can see, her leaves are healthier than the SBR, but she's still behind in production. All her buds had grown a bit more in height over the past couple days (even the main cola), but she's slowing down (yes, even slower than she was before). The main bud sites are putting out more hairs and the primary cola is getting fairly dense, so she's shaping up to live up to her name. She's leafy too, which hides the fact that on closer inspection I noticed another 5 or so sites starting up. She's putting out nearly a dozen bud sites with a few more promising ones here and there. Tomorrow marks the end of Week 6, so I doubt she will put out much more new growth. However, if she continues to put on weight it's clear she'll be a good producer.

Next, a better look at her main cola:

Not as dense as the SBR, but she's noticeably denser than her last inspection. I'm cautiously optimistic that the Massive Midget will earn her name with some very aggressive flowering stage production. It would make sense given her name: slow vegetative growth keeps her small and easily controlled, while heavy bud production makes for a massive harvest. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to, but it seems she's putting out hairs and pistils faster than the Sugar Black Rose.

Both plants are getting stinky; they're not extremely pungent varieties, but there's no mistaking the odor when I crack open the case for an inspection. I've decided for certain my next grow will be a Blue Dream solo run, just to see if I can outdo a two plant harvest with one sativa-dominant strain. However, in the interest of a speedy harvest and minimal downtime, I'm going to attempt a rather brutal turnaround.

First, I'll be germinating seeds just before chop day. By the time they sprout, the plants will have been chopped and curing in the bag. It's going to be crowded going at first, as I'll be storing the bags in the box with the tiny seedlings (the fans and light keep it an optimal temperature and humidity for curing). Once the seedling is planted in soil I'll find another spot to finish drying the bud if necessary, then switch it to jars for a longer final cure. My goal is to have the next plant a good one to three weeks into its growth before I really get into this harvest. Assuming the Blue Dream does a solid 10 week grow and I get my hoped for 85g harvest from this, that gives me about 6 grams a week to tide me over until I'm into my properly cured Blue Dream (and starting on my next grow, probably a SODK and Fantasmo Express). It's not much, but if I can keep myself from being too gluttonous I'll manage.
So, it's another friday update everybody. Welcome welcome, my handful of loyal readers, to DAY 43. The deficiency issues continue, and I'm starting to get concerned, but not overly so. Onward to the ladies! First, the vertical shot:


As you can see, the Massive Midget on the right is still fairly dark green though some leaves show signs of poor health. The Sugar Black Rose on the left is losing some of that beautiful dark green luster, and has more faded leaves though most seem to have yellowed from lack of light.

Both are putting some serious heft onto their buds as we move into flowering proper. Here's a better look at the Massive Midget:

This gives a better look at the nutrient issues in the leaves, and as you can see the buds are getting a bit more dense and putting on some volume. Still optimistic, but less so seeing as things don't seem to be improving much.

Next, the Sugar Black Rose:

Her colas look great and the sugar leaves around them are rather vibrant, but the less healthy fan leaves below the canopy are what has me most concerned for her health. Next, a better look at that tasty main cola:

More trichomes and hairs; the discoloration is from a rich foliar feeding today.

I held off on adding more ferts to the soil; I wanted to see if after a couple days the dry ferts already added would make much of an impact but it appears not. Today, a fairly heavy tea/liquid kep mix was mixed with some biological inoculate and sprayed both on the leaves and saturated into the fairly dry soil to keep her healthy over the weekend. It'll be RO water on Monday, and hopefully by mid-week they'll be bright green again. If neither plant is looking much better on Monday I'll post some pics in the infirmary and take some ph samples of the soil as best as I can, see if there's an issue with nute lockout (I can't imagine there is, as most organic growers never seem to have problems with that and it doesn't seem like that's the issue here) or just a deficiency that needs handling.

Overall, I'm cautiously optimistic because both plants have a lot of vibrant green leaves under the light and are putting on weight in their buds and most of the yellowed, dead leaves seem to have died from lack of light (the canopy is fairly dense). We'll see how they look on Monday.
A lot going on today, everyone. Weclome to DAY 17. The plants are really starting to take off; the Sugar Black Rose especially is getting big and pretty! Also got the SCROG screen made, and in place. So, without further ado, let's take a look at the ladies.

Firstly, the rising star of this run, my Sugar Black Rose:

She recovered from her training over the weekend pretty much instantly; everything was straight and tall today, and only by looking at the stem and seeing the curve to it was I able to tell she'd been trained at all. Lots of new sites and nodes on the lower ends, I've got a feeling she'll respond well to training.

Next, the Massive Midget:

Nice and healthy, but slower to put on those vertical inches. No sign with either of them of nute burn or deficiencies, so we're off to a great start so far. I'll be watering them today with some RO water mixed with a dash of inoculate, just to make sure the soil is still in top health.

Here's a side by side shot for comparison, Sugar Black Rose on the left:

So, about the SCROG screen. I did have the supplies on hand to fashion something! With space such a huge concern bigger things like PVC are out of the question. I rigged up a simple screen from bamboo skewers and duct tape. I've got 8 roughly 3"x3" squares in the screen, with about 6" clearance from the light. So, it's cramped in there, but I've got a good feeling nonetheless. Here's hoping it will work for this grow. Here's a picture of the trough in the grow box, with screen:

Tight quarters to be sure, but on the moon we are obsessed with efficiency.

Hope to hear from some of you! It's getting lonely in here talking to myself...
Very nice scrog. You just gave me my ideal.:thanks: