
Just some lurker dude
Apr 17, 2015
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Now that the first grow in my closet is wrapping up with the last plant blooming away, my thoughts have turned to "what to do next". I think that three plants is a good number for the space I'm working with. Since the first two plants took about 95 days from starting to germinate until chopping the plant, I'm thinking that starting about one per month should make for a nice rotation. I can adjust as necessary, but going to start out with popping a new seed on the first of each month, and then once all three are going I'll probably settle in with timing new seeds off of when I start to flush the current oldest. Starting this thread to act as the grow log for it all.

Basic space info: Converted small bedroom closet. Approximately 2x4ft in size.
Main lights: 2x Platinum LED P150
Side lights: 4x (1 per corner) 3ft T5 HO flourscent
Hydroponic grow using 5gal buckets, 5 inch net pot lids, hydroton media

Went ahead and started to germinate my first seed for all this three days ago on the first. Starting things out with a Paradise Seeds Auto Wappa. Will likely continue with the Advanced Nutrients Jungle Juice line for this plant. I'm thinking of switching from using Lucas formula to going with the full three part mix since I've got a better handle on the life cycle now, but still on the fence about that.

P.S. The thread name was inspired the other day when I checked the closet and discovered that Mike Wazowski from Monsters Inc. has apparently found the door on their side that links with my closet (not really...actually it's in the hope of growing some real monsters):

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Nice man also it is good to see someone finally using the Platinum Advanced as I am about to get the P300.:vibe:
The little Wappa seed germinated quickly and is growing away. Nice little tap root popped out the bottom of the cube in the last 24 hours, so should hopefully be about ready to move to a net pot in about a week. Just started flushing the last plant on my first grow tonight, and may only flush a week on it so should be able to give the Wappa the closet all to herself when she does move in. Which will be nice because without the tall one I'll be able to move the lights down closer to the seedling. Looks like it may be stretching a bit at the moment, though with my still noobish eye for these things may be just me. I reused some LED spots I picked up for an old DIY light rig that didn't really work out. But I wanted to get some $$'s worth out of the spots so giving them a try for seedlings. With where I've got my tray sitting, though, I'd have to get pretty creative to move them much closer. So may have to swap to an incandescent or more likely CFL for the next bean to see if that helps keep the seedlings shorter.

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Got the little Wappa seedling setup in her new home today. Starting out with the recommended nutes per the feeding chart on the AN Jungle Juice, which is pretty much about 1/4 strength from their full strength. Going with the full three part grow/micro/bloom this time instead of Lucas, so going to have to keep a closer eye on where the plant is at in her life cycle to adjust the levels. For the root zone, I'm adding in some Hydroguard and a 29% h2o2 additive. Aerating the mix using a DIY air injection ring. Using a target PH for the rez of 5.8.

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Taking to the new home nicely from the looks of things. Still waiting for the roots to start popping out the bottom of the net pot for things to really take off.

I like your style, I'll be watching how this goes. I'm tempted by a rolling grow myself but while I'm continuously growing, I quite like not doing everything all the time... a time to plant and a time to harvest. Monthly planting would be a great way to ration my usage effectively so there's no dry patches. To be considered further!

Good luck man
Well, for what it's worth I'm considering going back the other way somewhat from doing a straight rotation. There are still some things I want to test out to see if my harvest's can be further improved. In particular at the moment I want to try out a different brand of nutrients to see how they compare. I was thinking of just doing a compare grow by starting two of the same strain a month apart as part of a rotation, but as I watch the temps in my closet change from one season to the next I think a month apart could skew the results with the plants having different temps in the closet at different stages of their growth. With going from seed, there is already the random factor of getting different genetics in the same strain, so I think I might start two at the same time next month to get closer to fair results. Decisions...decisions...... :smoking:
Swapped out for a fresh res this evening. Seems to be growing well and starting to get some nice root growth out the bottom of the net pot. Bumped her up to 1/2 strength on nutes and will keep an eye out for any signs of burn, but think she'll do good with the bump up and start to really take off soon.

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Finishing week 2 for Wappa since moving to the net pot from the seedling tray. Was looking through the nute chart mid week to plan ahead, and realized that I had computed wrong and what I thought was 1/2 strength was actually 1/4. So added more nutes on Tuesday and refreshed the H2O2. So far looks to be doing well with the nute increases.

Starting week 3: Went ahead and bumped up to full strength using the veg stage mix. Roots just starting to get into the DWC, really just the one long one at this point but others are close behind.
