Seed Stockers Mon grows Seedstockers

So glad you're here, bro! BTW, i stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes idk about 4 weeks ago and started e cigarretts with 3 ml/mr nicotine and reduced to now 1 ml/mg and excited to stop smoking before end of year, what a step into future...:pass:
So glad you're here, bro! BTW, i stopped smoking tobacco cigarettes idk about 4 weeks ago and started e cigarretts with 3 ml/mr nicotine and reduced to now 1 ml/mg and excited to stop smoking before end of year, what a step into future...:pass:
Happy to be here, Mongol! Happier yet to here the road your on brotha :headbang: Start the year off feeling healthier and knowing you just probably added an easy 10+ quality yrs. on to your tail end! I'll try not to preach to much, after all I smoked way to long. Plus, do you know what's worse than a preaching reformed smoker? NOTHING :crying:
Happy to be here, Mongol! Happier yet to here the road your on brotha :headbang: Start the year off feeling healthier and knowing you just probably added an easy 10+ quality yrs. on to your tail end! I'll try not to preach to much, after all I smoked way to long. Plus, do you know what's worse than a preaching reformed smoker? NOTHING :crying:
@stedimed Dude, you can preach me whenever and so often you want, it was your post/statement in 2stoned2care's thread that encouraged me to do this step and i'm happy that i did it finally!
Wow @TheMongol already dropped from 3mg to 1mg nic your beast. Mad Props Bro. I've been on 3mg for a few years now and probably won't go lower to much stress I deal with so I'm happy with it. I did have xrays of my heart/lungs when I was in the hospital toward beginning of the year and they can't even tell I was a 20 year plus smoker.
Week 3 started yesterday:





Like all the others in my groom they're a little bit behind in grow, but time comes by when it's needed! i have some strange looking leaves in there and don't know why, any opinions guys!


Can't wait till these girls are ready next year!
Happy Growing AFN!:pass: