But you're a smart, OCD blonde, ready to do get her grow game on. Not that many people actually ask for advice and then use it and follow up and keep the dialog open on progress or issues. You do that really well. Very well.
All my style and ideas come from slowandeasy. I just borrowed it all from him. Hopefully it wont get me banned though because he can be a bit of a cantankerous, call it like he sees it guy, which usually means someone is going to be banned eventually. But his advice is rock solid and easy for me to relate too and to distill down to something to work with and then pass it on to others and pay it forward. The weighing watering method is catching on too. A local guy, actually two guys, came over yesterday to do some bubble hash with me. They both use the solo cups in coco and weighing technique and swear it saved their grows kind of thing. And one of them uppped his game even further and got the larger postal scale to be used after transplanting and weigh final pots and he said its his "new favorite toy". LOL. I do love mine too. BTW, at day 40 in 1g pots, I'm watering enough to weight 2.3 KG a pot on average and I have to do this 3 times per day. The ladies are thirsty little gals right now. And it does not take long for them to dry out so you have be on your game and alert.
The clothes pins comes from someone else though. And I like it so much I bought two packs of pins. I used them on all my plants early on, but now its just the low lying jungle indicas that need it. Definitely a reliable and effective tool.