Grow Mediums Moby an Haze 2.0/coco/T5/SCRog

I was thinkin that too. Will that be hazardous ish if its pythium?

Pythium can be in commercially available soilless potting mixes. It is easily introduced into pasteurized soil or soilless mixes by using dirty tools, dirty pots or flats, walking on or allowing pets to walk on the mixes and by dumping the mixes on benches or potting shed floors that have not been thoroughly cleaned. Fungus gnat and shorefly activity may also be involved in moving Pythium from place to place in greenhouses. When introduced into a soil mix that has been heat-treated for too long or at too high a temperature, Pythium can cause severe root rot because it has few competitors to check its activity. P. aphanidermatum and P. irregulare pose a threat to crops grown in ebb and flow systems because they form a swimming spore stage that can move in water. This is likely to occur only if irrigation times are long (45 min. or longer) or if pots sit in puddles of water because the bench or floor does not drain completely. If Pythium infests a cutting bed or if contaminated water is used in propagation, large losses occur. Pythium ultimum is primarily associated with soil and sand. As growers switched to soilless mixes, this species became less important than when growers used field soil in the potting mix. P. ultimum does not form the swimming spore stage but can be a problem in ebb and flow systems if the reservoir becomes fouled with potting mix and plant debris particles harboring it. Almost all plants are susceptible to Pythium root rot. Root tips, very important in taking up nutrients and water, are attacked and killed first. Pythium also can rot the base of cuttings.

you can get more info at this link:
That's a tough one...
I had this problem with a mazar once. It was alive and looked healthy, but completely stunted compared to it's sister of the same age. She got chopped.
I'd use her sisters as a gauge. If she's lagging, chop time.
You could always build up a base around the stem with coco to stabilize her.
She should start to put roots out of the covered stem.

Actually, after much reading, it isn't all that rare and is a bear to get rid of. Check out the link I posted in my reply to roark
I pulled it. Realy not sure if it was root rot, though. The roots all looked great. That's what I call it when the stem get all squishy and puckered all the way around. I made the tough decision because growth was slowing way down. I will say she was a trooper through an through. Everything looked super great except at the soil line. I also some tiny ass little bug things crawlin around too. Not thrips. Not flies not sure how to describe them. I really hope the last two make it!!! Ill post a pic of the other stem. It has me worried.
Okay some pics. The first one is the girl i pulled today. Dbl click to to see bigger.

This one is the stem of the other big girl Haze.

And some top views. W4/D22


The last one blows me away that these girls were sprouted the same day.
20140302_175046.jpg a look at the haze girls left.
20140302_175023.jpg one of the moby girls
20140302_175005.jpgand the other.
day 25
Room 81 humidity 46
Topped off reservoirs with fresh water and fed heavily. Everyother day seems to be workin out pretty good.
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Your girls are looking good.
If your concerned about pythium or any other root borne nasty,check out something like GH Florakleen or Florashield.
Pretty sure you can add it to your res along with your normal nutes.
There's also other benne teas available as well.

Did you reuse your coco from last grow?
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Your girls are looking good.
If your concerned about pythium or any other root borne nasty,check out something like GH Florakleen.
Pretty sure you can add it to your res along with your normal nutes.
There's also other benne teas available as well.

Did you reuse your coco from last grow?
Uh....sadly, yes. Not ever doing that again!!!....I am not sure, after doing a lot reading, that that's what it was.
Ronin, do you use just coco in your air pots or add hydrton or some other rock?
Uh....sadly, yes. Not ever doing that again!!!....I am not sure, after doing a lot reading, that that's what it was.
Ronin, do you use just coco in your air pots or add hydrton or some other rock?

I go with straight coco in the airpots.

One of the things I like about coco is the ability to reuse it.
Just need to run an enzyme through after you clear out all the roots you can.
The key factor is starting with quality coco.
The coco I'm currently running is just some compressed brick. No frills.
I 5 stage cleaned it before using. This stuff I won't be using again.
I'll be using Botanicare bagged coco from here out.