Grow Mediums Moby an Haze 2.0/coco/T5/SCRog

Before all the problems with site I could add a bunch of photos at a time. Since I can only load them one at a time. Takes a long time.its like the select a file button doesn't work.
yes i know bud.. its because of the site beeing worked with and everything is not fixed quite yet. i cant do more than to ask you to be patient about it and hope you wont suffer to much

a tip could be to use a photo hoster like i said. maybe there are some you could multiuppload to :dunno:
Thank you rebel. That is helpful. And myybe I could not post 8 in one day. Lol
I've been uploading multiple photos to my albums with little to no problems as of late.
I like that option because only members can see my pics and they're organized on my profile page by grow.
You can upload up to 10 pics at a time.
So let's see some pics!
So, create an album and then move them from to my journal?
Create an album then upload to that album.
Then you can copy the bb code for each pic and paste it in your posts.
Did complete rez change today on both. They are now on half strength veg Nutes. Cutting edge with all the Benies and additives.
The Moby rez is at E.c 2.133 and the Haze rez is at 1.985 E.c.
The Here you go Taken today...W3/D19


Thank you Ronin for your advice on the photos. Did take awhile, but was able to do them at once.

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Right on! Glad the photo option is working for ya.
Posts just aren't the same without pics.
Love the photos. You and the misses have some healthy kids.
It won't be long before we won't be able to see the coco.