Indoor Mo Grows... a Mars Hydro edition 4x4 tent & fc-e4800

Just preparing the pots, then figure out the tubes and valves.
Gonna run the @beavergenetics lil wild lamb
In this thread also to start. Just gotta wait a few more days until I can drop the seeds (need to snip the plants for the neighbour first)
Don’t think I got a shot of the unit yet...
It’s an fc not the fc-e... such a stoner

Just waiting patiently end of the weekend I’m killing stuff for neighbors so I’m dropping the seeds probably tonight here we go.
Get you popcorn ready!
Hehhee stickers
Still no Rez.... I’m going to buy stuff for this smaller Rez tomorrow ... and get rolling
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So we dropped seeds into Water the other day 24hr soak no tails...
Transferred to paper towel method and I’ll peak tonight.. or soon lol

Shop was closed when I went...:oops1:
Was gonna go just now with my newly acquired free time... but it would appear all my stuff was in the woman’s car.
Looks like a Monday thing now.

Edit*** looks like all 4 are going well 3 and 1 starting so I’ll be doing something tomorrow morning lol here we go
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Putting them in pots... check this out canna centiseed

And a quick look in the tent with this beautiful light on

I gotta choose a course of action here. Let it marinate or surgically remove

Went surgical route

Covered it up again for a lil bit will throw in pot later
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Lately I find myself just stopping and going
“Shumway” in the Seinfeld voice “Newman”
I popped the 4 seeds with tails into the pots the other day and today marks day one above ground .

Nothing special yet, I’ll snap pictures in a few days

@Marshydro tina!!!! Was it 25% power for seedlings... if you can please drop me your recommendations for plant stages
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Today was first dose of food I mixed About 500ppm at 500ml each

Guess I should sort the autopots out because at this rate I’ll be smashing them on at 1 week lmao

Don’t ever purchase anything off indoorgrowing... terrible service.. been waiting for months and they don’t even answer my calls anymore or respond...
I’m about ready to message autopots directly in the UK because this is a joke
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Still no resivoir
Almost topping time will wait for 14 days

Smoked some blue thoughts now I feel like doing things... cutting some head off!!
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Well today marks day14
I’ve chopped head off already & right now I’ll be removing some fan leaves

And now we wait.. hope it doesn’t mess up the tri one (picture below/back left)
Let’s check on my favourite smoke ....

Holy shit one thing is going good lmao
I gotta figure out how to set the autopots up
@blue what do I do?

Gonna top it again soon I believe
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