Indoor Mo Grows... a Mars Hydro edition 4x4 tent & fc-e4800

I’d never pay that much for a tent....
They don’t even go on sale ever.
You could get like 3 of these babies for price of one.... no brainer
And if you need a 9foot tent... just build walls lmao

Army guy ehhh, I noticed this while I was hanging out down there, a lot of people are enlisted, nothing like Korea but still a large number...
they have you on juice when you were active?
My cardio is shit now it’s pathetic and scary...
No juice but they feed you very well x3 a day for free with forced work outs 5 days a week lol i enjoyed it but not the weather, i prefer working out inside you know.. with ac and a chair to take a break without someone yelling >.<
No juice but they feed you very well x3 a day for free with forced work outs 5 days a week lol i enjoyed it but not the weather, i prefer working out inside you know.. with ac and a chair to take a break without someone yelling >.<
So none of this then :funny:
K enough of the tea time lol
I jarred up what was hanging lil over a qp, 2 Oz in the hash pile ... wrong thread
K so now that the darkroom is no more.. I promise tomorrow I’ll build the tent..
Sneak a couple steps in while I can
First off ... wow all separated already lmao
I was just thinking feck now I gotta sort.

Right proper...
k so step
  1. Assemble the frame​

2. Place tent frame horizontally​
Well shit... Need a lil more space lol
Ain’t my first rodeo...
Here we go...
new 2. Start back at step one...​
Enough of the fancy stuff for now lol
Gonna have to take top half off slide cloth underneath, click top half back on and then finagle the cloth over.. wish me luck
I’ll be back with finished picture...
OOooo ups guy
Oh k... break in life, came to finish and post.

Okay so if you run into this problem you wanna get it like this

Then go ahead and connect the top half, I left the very top square connected because I didn’t wanna risk a tear although I’m sure it wouldn’t.

Find the Mars Hydro logo and fandangle it around to its corner, a couple of lifts and tugs

Connect ends and smash in roof poles and floor mat.

I must say what a beautiful tent. Hands down best tent in the setup
I forgot about the lil pouches... this is a mars thing! Ah man i missed this thing lol

Stay chooned
You seen it.... UPS the drone came lol not really
But this did

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Oh k... break in life, came to finish and post.

Okay so if you run into this problem you wanna get it like this
View attachment 1363894

Then go ahead and connect the top half, I left the very top square connected because I didn’t wanna risk a tear although I’m sure it wouldn’t.
View attachment 1363895

Find the Mars Hydro logo and fandangle it around to its corner, a couple of lifts and tugs
View attachment 1363897
Connect ends and smash in roof poles and floor mat.
View attachment 1363898
I must say what a beautiful tent. Hands down best tent in the setup
I forgot about the lil pouches... this is a mars thing! Ah man i missed this thing lol
View attachment 1363896

Stay chooned
You seen it.... UPS the drone came lol not really
But this did
View attachment 1363905

Looks good, ez pz but that low ceiling tho :yoinks: so much for using the top of the tent for storage lol like we all do :crying::pass:

@St. Tom check that artists name lmao

Stickers!!!! Lmao
Oh man I’m terrible with shit like this... will take me a week to decide where it goes.
Pretty awesome though.. don’t think I’ve seen that
K gonna build then hang and post here

Well looks like this was damaged in shipping, thing is right bent...
Looks noyce!!!

Gonna hang it up and do some other stuff..
I’ll be back here later
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Looks good, ez pz but that low ceiling tho :yoinks: so much for using the top of the tent for storage lol like we all do :crying::pass:
Thank ya thank ya...
That’s alright.... I got a garage.... and plenty of more room still.... for now...
And what the hell you storing on top of your tent? Pillows? Tent frames usually good for about 150 lbs, light, fan, filter good for most of that... just a recipe for disaster
I got tools and stuff I’ll build shelves :funny:
Thank ya thank ya...
That’s alright.... I got a garage.... and plenty of more room still.... for now...
And what the hell you storing on top of your tent? Pillows? Tent frames usually good for about 150 lbs, light, fan, filter good for most of that... just a recipe for disaster
I got tools and stuff I’ll build shelves :funny:
Normal stuff that we ALL use when dealing with cannabis plants nothing that weighs 150lbs my dude, i mean fuck, my lights weigh about 3-5lbs each and my ventilation system might be 20lbs on the high end where should i be worried again? yeah my garage stores all my heavy stuff too I'm a normal dude too :pass:enjoy the blue latex yoga pants :smoking:

(bizarre edit for a bizzare reason - blue)
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@Zeromitch 3 lbs lights? Nice lol
this things light ... like 23lbs or something it said.
Other light I won’t name is a sack of bricks surprisingly. Maybe double..
You got some weight to play with I’ll give ya that. But anything above the girls is sketchy to me personally. Meh :pass:
I mean Christ the bloody autocobs just fell on their own the other month almost started a fire, branches guillotined ... with my luck it’ll collapse the tent on me :crying: