Indoor Mixing outdoor and indoor - bad idea?

May 16, 2016
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Yo! I'm growing for the first time and I'm trying it ALL out. Indoor (LED and CFL), Outdoor (in 3gal pots), and a possibly a mix of both. Due to recent bad weather, I've been bringing my outdoor gals in at night to give them a chance to dry out. I've been thinking about giving them a few extra hours of light under the CFLs OR even keeping them on all night. On really hot or cold days I'd like to bring them in and use the CFLs as a substitute. Has anyone else done this? Please advise! Thanks!
Yo! I'm growing for the first time and I'm trying it ALL out. Indoor (LED and CFL), Outdoor (in 3gal pots), and a possibly a mix of both. Due to recent bad weather, I've been bringing my outdoor gals in at night to give them a chance to dry out. I've been thinking about giving them a few extra hours of light under the CFLs OR even keeping them on all night. On really hot or cold days I'd like to bring them in and use the CFLs as a substitute. Has anyone else done this? Please advise! Thanks!
I must say I think sunlight is the best light source. I have on seedling outdoors, but as long as weather is cold and rainy, it restd comfortably in the window. I think the plants perefere stability and moving them from one light source to another will makenits biochemistry busy with adaptation. I am not a plant biologist, but specialist in stress biology in fishes and mammals. So my reflections are based on mu knowledge of general principles of biology and my personal reading on the topic.

Go here for teoretical studies, my friend.

Here you can see my Journal for Outdoors:

If you can have your outdoor plants indoors, close to windows, they will be good. Remember, plants are designed to deal with problems at the spot. They have no choise, as humans and other animals leave the problematic spot and go to a more comfortable place.

My indoor plants live under cfl and led. I will sell a cfl and purchase more led.
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