Hey Waira...thanks for looking in, bro.
I know you have a lot of distractions right now, no worries about the PM. I think I'll just continue with the new Cannaficianado rather than try to resurrect the old account. Maybe sweettalk Mossy into giving me back my AFN Assimilated badge. :smoking:
The molasses are from Meridian: http://www.healthysupplies.co.uk/blackstrap-molasses-organic-740g.html It lists calcium as 400mg per 100g, 51% of RDA. No idea what that means, really, which is why it's handy to have blokes like you around.
There are some small rust patches developing on the GP. I'm probably over-analyzing as usual. 
Pretty sure it is a GP, very similar in structure to the one I grew (badly) last year. But the sweet smell is the kicker - I think you mentioned lychees recently. The Squat One smells more generic, for want of a better word. Nothing identifiable as yet.
The orchid food has an NPK of 10-52-17. I'm reluctant to use it again: last year's crop didn't like it. Actually, I'm hoping the bat guano is 0-7-0 as we also get the 10-3-1 stuff. Nothing on the packets though, even in Thai. Once again, working in the dark and hoping for the best.
I have a good feeling about this grow though. For the ladies to be half way through flowering at seven weeks is totally novel experience for me.
(Really beginning to think that those 25 seeds I bought in Amsterdam in 2011 were in some way degraded ).
Mate, I have to say this: you are an absolute credit to AFN. Even with all that's going on in your life, you're still doing your thing here.

PS Got to get me a slice of that shoo-fly pie:
(the wet-bottomed variety). 

The molasses are from Meridian: http://www.healthysupplies.co.uk/blackstrap-molasses-organic-740g.html It lists calcium as 400mg per 100g, 51% of RDA. No idea what that means, really, which is why it's handy to have blokes like you around.

Pretty sure it is a GP, very similar in structure to the one I grew (badly) last year. But the sweet smell is the kicker - I think you mentioned lychees recently. The Squat One smells more generic, for want of a better word. Nothing identifiable as yet.
The orchid food has an NPK of 10-52-17. I'm reluctant to use it again: last year's crop didn't like it. Actually, I'm hoping the bat guano is 0-7-0 as we also get the 10-3-1 stuff. Nothing on the packets though, even in Thai. Once again, working in the dark and hoping for the best.

Mate, I have to say this: you are an absolute credit to AFN. Even with all that's going on in your life, you're still doing your thing here.

PS Got to get me a slice of that shoo-fly pie: