Indoor Mixed Indoor Grow.


Frankensteins Lab Leader
Cultivators Club
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
Finally! My indoors girls have lots of room to themselves! I just repotted the following:

Flower Bomb Kush

Lost Coast OG Kush

Fire x C99 cross

2 Reg. Blueberry Headband

I also have 2 Northern Lights that I'll repot as soon as they get a little bigger. The Kushs and the BB Headband are about 35 days. Obviously, the potting mix I had them in was crap. They look fine, just not that big. I think this is because to mix has become densely packed slowing root growth and not having enough oxygen. I've now got them in a mix of Lambert's Pro mix, ab out 20% composted manure, and Jobe's Organic fert.

The plants are loving the LED grow lights. I can see thew internodes have tightened up already!


Last edited: orderly. Nice!

Me, orderly??? Lol! Dunno how long it will stay that way... but yea, it does look nice. Those pots by the way are at least 3 gallon, maybe 3.5 Going to get 2 more i guess after all for the 2 Northern Lights. The cheese clone will get the 1 gallon pot, at least I have good soil for it this time. orderly. Nice!

Well the transplant of my kushes and the BB Headband didn't go so well. Looks like my soil mix was a bit hot for them. I just hope they all recover. So far my Fire x C99 cross that was gifted to me, along with the Northern Lights Fems, are doing fairly well. One of the NL has an issue, may also be nute burn but I'm not sure.Even with the yellowed new leaves, it seems to be growing. She has nice structure, so I'm hoping she recovers.





Fire x C99

Lost Coast OG


Flowerbomb Kush


BB Headband#1


BB Headband#2


Cheese clone


Well, my plants look like shit. Its my fault. Shoulda checked soil ph in the very beginning. then my own pigheadedness lead me to figure it out on my own, which, although I have, has left my plants burned and stunted. Now I'm just going to salvage them the best I can. The blueberry headband is going out to the greenhouse. All the plants got a dose of lime, I mixed it as best as I could into the top couple of inches of soil. I'm going to water them with some PH 7.5 water, but I have to wait for them to dry out, guess I've been over watering them too.....geez....

So this is how I'm going to salvage my indoor grow.Shipping plants of to the greenhouse to make room for a 5 gallon DWC bucket. I've got a Think Different x Russian Dragon seed soaking ( thanks again Yoda! ) that will go into a foam raft floating in water, until it has a long root, that takes about 5 days. I used this technique in my first DWC grow and it worked perfectly! It also showed me, these young seedlings are a lot tougher than people think they are. Heck, I even handled them by the root and they never missed a beat, just kept right on growing! Then I'll transfer then to the 10" netpot filled with hydroton. I'll keep my room around 72F and change the res every 2 -3 days. That should keep the bad stuff outta my res.

So, we'll see what happens from here. Hopefully, my Lost Coast OG survives and gives me a little something, hate to seed a $20 seed fail!

The Flowerbomb Kush is the only one that looks semi healthy, so I have hopes of a decent yield from her.
Sounds like you gotta plan to revive them pops, that's a cool filter to pic out the pistils :thumbs:

I know you love your Dwc, pumped to see that back up and running, pondering getting one setup come fall/winter indoor season for meself

Do you have a soil meter or were ya doin runoff tests and noticed the pH was too low?
Sounds like you gotta plan to revive them pops, that's a cool filter to pic out the pistils :thumbs:

I know you love your Dwc, pumped to see that back up and running, pondering getting one setup come fall/winter indoor season for meself

Do you have a soil meter or were ya doin runoff tests and noticed the pH was too low?

It took me a while to tell by looking at them that it was low ph. I did a runoff test and it went in at 7.5 and came out a 5.5....

I flooded one till it had good runnoff and sent it too the greenhouse. Doing the others tomorrow. Haven't checked my seed yet to see if it sprouted. Will do that tonight.