Indoor Mixed indoor bag - the good, the bad and the we'll wait and see.

Camera is back so time for an updated - if a bit disjointed.

Green O Matic has come down - probably clda went a lil longer but necesity called. No camera at the time time to take a final plant or harvest pic though she was looking a bit scrappy so want the most photogenic anyway - but she smokes good!
Here's a bud...

Moby Dick (photo) is still coming along. Not quite the right time of year for a photo to be budding outside here - particularly with the hot spell we've had here lately, but have been trying to make the most of the sun and block out the light for the last cple hours of the day...
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Another hot one due tomorrow but will get out and take an updated pic of Snowryder - she stalled abit timewise due to some major deficiencies (I think) but is back on track (I think).

Looking great Matey! I hope you're enjoying those tasty looking nuggs! Moby Dick looks like a killer whale! Lord she's a beast! Hope you're keeping well Mate! :smokebuds:
Hey bros - good to see ya's as always :smokebuds:

Rain has cleared and sun back out so a cple pics of Snowryder.
I lost the original tag with date of birth but shes getting on in terms of an autos normal life span and still got some time to go. As you can see from the pics she suffered a few deficiencies - the white/grey washed out leaves are even more obvious in person but I think I've got her back on track with the newer growth looking greener. This may well be the cause of taking longer. Was also moved from inside to outside and has gone through some pretty high temps, storms etc but is holding up well. Nice lemony/piney smell to this one - looking forward to tasting abd quite sticky to the touch.

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man look at the bud stick!!
thats really cool ,+ rep and
"like" for a great grow

ooops, i have to spread some rep
around first.
will some1 + rep this grow for me?
hey matey

many thanks as always. This one has just wanted to live and grow. She had a few PH, lack of N probs early in life and the white/grey leaf deficiencies as well as some fairly hot weather so is great to see that I managed to fix the probs as we've gone - now just gotta not let them occur in the first place!

Im about to head out the back again so I'll say G'day to her for you :D
How's that Green O Matic treatin you brotha? Everything's lookin great! So awesome that you can grow outdoors too!
Why did you LST them??? looks like they would of been fine without it. I only LST when space is limited and you need better light penetration. Im thinking about switching to coco and perlite 50/50 mix too.
How's that Green O Matic treatin you brotha? Everything's lookin great! So awesome that you can grow outdoors too!

Hey bro - hope yr cruising along nicely. Didnt get a huge amount of GOM so shes all gone now but went down quite nicely. Nice spicy/earthy smell and taste and Im loving smoking organically grown rather than however its grown when I have to buy - goes down sooooo much smoother.

Why did you LST them??? looks like they would of been fine without it. I only LST when space is limited and you need better light penetration. Im thinking about switching to coco and perlite 50/50 mix too.

These were started indide before going outside so the LSTing is to try and keep buds at a somewhat even level to share light penetration and help the lower buds get good light and air flow. Not as needed now they are outside though I still like the idea of lsting or at least tying down outside as I need to keep plants with a low profile.

The coco/perlite mix is something Im still working out properly - particularly with the autos. As long as you've got the right nute schedule seems to be a great growing medium as is light and airy. Im giving soil more of a run at moment as I like the idea of growing in a more 'natural' way and I am hoping it'll help me with some of the deficincies Ive had with coco (mainly cause I have added the right nutes at the right time). Its still definetely a medium I will be exploring though.

:howdy:time for some pics

First up is SnowRyder - def looking forward to getting this girl in the bag - not only is she taking her own time (as lotsa ladies do) but she smells so piney and fresh and is so sticky:drool:. Mostly I love this girl 'cause despite me giving her a rough start and having a few probs along the way she has kept on keeping on. Should be some tasty smoke and a good size harvest.

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