:smokebuds: many thanks folks. I hope everyone is keeping well
have been a bit slack on the updating (energy - where are you??!!)
I let Blueberry go an extra day than planned then an extended dark period and here she is after a quick trim and a cple days dry. Havent sampled any as yet as wanna make sure is properly dried and as much cure as I can.

Super glad to get this one in and ensure some good meds for the festive season. :dance:
Well, Ive been holding off on taking/posting pics of seedlings lately as they arent really photogenic and I was hoping to get my self sorted out so these latest attempts could be forgotten about but here we go...

bottom left is a photo, just a cple days old. Top right is Sour60 and believe it or not a month and 2 days old. Middle 2 are Blueberry - 18 days old. Left is a Jem - bout 20days old...
So, all are in coco coir (good quality - my wallet is still aching) with perlite. Been a mix of being in tent with 400w HPS and when that not on 130W Veg CFL. All have come up looking healthy and green and for the first few days with good roots and I've thought "ahhh, lovely, here we go" but then they just dont grow... I have made sure they have had Absolutely NO ferts just phd water (ok, the new ph pen is just recent so will be better to use to make sure PH is right but the old one I was using was pretty close.). At first I though I was overwatering but relaxing my water schedule hasnt overly helped either... All I can think of - and its somewhat counter intuitive - is that those that have grown on for more were mostly started in Jiffy cubes. This seems strange as Id think theyd prefer being started in cups and not have roots limited or transplant shock so Ill have to get some more cubes and see if that helps... bit annoying as theres been many other screw ups too so is costing a bit in electricity, coco, cost of seeds etc without the return and not ditching the dealer as soon as expected. Not complaining as is a learning process but I hope I can get happening soon.
Ive gotta take tent down for a while over the festive season anyway so Ill probably just plant these outside and see what happens and will also let a cple others finish up outside. So before I start indoor again Ill have to have a good long think about where Im going wrong and will try soil seedling mix etc etc.