Auto Seeds MissUniverse's 2019 Autoseeds Growbattle thread


I put metal in the microwave
Cultivators Club
Jan 19, 2016
Reaction score
Getting together my growbattle thread. Not sure which I wanna grow. I have a list and I want people to pick for me
I have:
Sucker punch (only 1 seed left and growing 1 now so prefer not but will if I get the votes)
Diesel Berry (got one under my belt definitely a bushy strain)
Candy Kush (growing one now in another thread but I have a bunch of these)
Auto pounder (growing one now, still have 2 seeds and looks like a good one I'd grow again)
Dream Berry
Berry Ryder
Girl Scout Cookies (grows well and strong good for my set up but people are growing it for the battle so maybe something else?)
Hijack (dont really have the space but could somehow manage it)
Sweet CBD Auto (it's one last tester I'm waiting to grow out in dwc but if everyone wants me to put it in for the grow battle then I can do that as a grow battle instead)

Anyway it's my normal set up I'll post it later on. Who wants to give me ideas on which to grow. And then I'll continue the thread with my grow
I'd say berry Ryder it's a great strain lovely smoke would be nice to someone else grow her out
She was a little over 2ft tall from the the bottom of the plant to the main cola but she had a lot of stretch due to me vegging her out under CFLs and the only training she had was the pony tail method

I think if she was under my led from start to finish and I did some lst training on her she would have produce many long colas

She was my 3rd full grow so easy low maintenance forgiving and the smoke was out of this world strong long lasting and true to its name here's a link if you wanna check it out like I said it was only my 3rd grow I was and still am kind of clueless still learning everyday


that's the main cola couldn't get my hand round it and I have big hands
image (1).jpeg
She was a little over 2ft tall from the the bottom of the plant to the main cola but she had a lot of stretch due to me vegging her out under CFLs and the only training she had was the pony tail method

I think if she was under my led from start to finish and I did some lst training on her she would have produce many long colas

She was my 3rd full grow so easy low maintenance forgiving and the smoke was out of this world strong long lasting and true to its name here's a link if you wanna check it out like I said it was only my 3rd grow I was and still am kind of clueless still learning everyday
Nice plant sorry for the delay to respond, in my set up I have everything packed tightly in there so I dont really get to lst too much now days since everything is basically sog 7-8 plants in 0.76 m2... some how I have a auto pounder, sweet n sour, candy kush, sucker punch, a 3 foot roof decay, a 5 foot manbearalienpig, and a 4 foot forgotten cookies in my space and I'm still gonna add more :nono:. At least I'm trippleing my grow space in the next 6 months.
Will berry Ryder pack in nicely? I am sure I wont win but my goal is to try to get a winning plant based upon grow type not popularity alone. Figure if I sog it right and do a good grow log then the nerds will see it and at least I'll get a vote from someone who feels bad for me :)
I like anything with floral or berry or sweet in it. I figured this out about 6 months ago when After years and years of searching, one day I randomly picked up a backwoods honeyberry and packed it with mephisto toof decay and packed a blunt (it was the first blunt I smoked since I took my first toke of weed, and yes I inhaled! ) and I tell you what, that was the exact thing I smoked back then... well maybe not exact but it was so close I finally remembered what was so great about weed and why I enjoyed it then. It wasn't the cool factor, it wasnt peer pressure, and I didnt do it again as a child either... in fact as a child and young adult I was a supporter of medical and recreational but didnt smoke till my mid 20's when my health issues got bad... anyway, it made me understand people didnt smoke it to be lazy, it was for some people relaxing and I understood they had hard lives. I had great parents, maybe I was poor and as a kid I knew it but it never bothered me because I got everything I needed, we had a computer, we had a tv, we had each other, we always had food, we had health care, we grew most of our own food but it was fun... But I tell ya what I needed to pay attention more to my mom and dad when they tried teaching me about gardening when I did... but I am now reading my diaries from a child about me complaining about them telling me what to do in the garden over the hot summers and I realize doing that then pushed me to do these things now. I was reading about how sore my hands and back and arms and shoulders were then after working all day tending to the acres and acres of produce we bartered with and I just laugh thinking how if that was all cannabis how my family would have been wealthy but how much more important raising us outside of jail was to my parents that they worked hard day and night and let us play. We did 4 hours a day in the summer of what I thought was hard work. Looking back, we would pull a few weeds, throw rotten tomatoes at each other and water the plants while my parents were digging and shoveling fertilizers and piles of compost and manure from before we woke up, then they'd come in, shower make us an amazing hot breakfast, eat with us then go either back to the garden or to their jobs then come home and work on the garden or some other project to get us by and then play with us for a few hours and tuck us in... and then they'd work more. I swear they probably slept 4 hours and only had personal time once a year...
That's what berry strains remind me of. Hard work and good times, loving family and the joy that comes with simplicity.
Nice story painted a picture in my head when I read it sounds like u where always ment to grow your own its mad how smells can send memorys flooding back and take you back to your child hood
My final say for this round is dreamberry in dwc as my test run and trying my first ever scrog and an auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] as back up incase I screw up scrog and dwc again.
Next round is berry Ryder in soil and my last sweet cbd in dwc and scrog
I may put auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] in a single gallon air pit or in a 3m5 gallon pot. Depends if I can jam it in. My forgotten cookies needs at least another week and I just cant being myself to taking it down this early when it's going to get so fat and it's still got white calyxes everywhere. It would be sacrilegious of me to do that. So I may just have to pray my dwc skills are good and go with one dreamberry or just let the auto 1 get the little light it can and purposefully stunt it so it's one giant budsicle... not sure but I am running this as close to the deadline as possible!
Making me nervous but I'll end up hopefully with a dwc scrog 2ftx2ft 100g+ monster (125g is my goal as it's what I got on my Tyrone special grow in 60 days few years back)
Anyway the ranting here will continue as I discuss the grows and give updates. I have 4 dreamberry seeds, If for some reason the dreamberry seed does not sprout and the auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] does, then I will be growing an auto [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] in dwc which probably would interest greatly too.
Oh I plan on putting 2 dreamberry seeds in 2 rapid rooters in the net in the pebbles in the dwc so I will see which sprouts first and seems best I'll then take the other and grow that as another option. Which will fill out my tent. I got this figured out :)so I will have 3 to choose from in case I royally mess up dwc again :)