Well I'm back
This time I will be running two different auto strains,
amphetamine from cream of the crop
Auto kush xl from ice seed Bank
I will be growing in coco coir in 5gallon fab pots, under the marshydro ts1000,
big up @Marshydro
I will call this day one
17 Aug 2021,
humidity 65%
temp 24'c
would love to hear from any who have grown these strains before ,
Not much going in the tent today just dialling the grow so I get the right humidity and temp
This time I will be running two different auto strains,
amphetamine from cream of the crop
Auto kush xl from ice seed Bank
I will be growing in coco coir in 5gallon fab pots, under the marshydro ts1000,
big up @Marshydro
I will call this day one
17 Aug 2021,
humidity 65%
temp 24'c
would love to hear from any who have grown these strains before ,
Not much going in the tent today just dialling the grow so I get the right humidity and temp