Indoor milkmans fun run

Jul 10, 2012
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hope all is well and im sure it is. rep to you all.

this time its no autoflowers sorry, but i cant wait to do some again.

ok so this time round in a nutshell , 10 plant run in coco perlite mix, 600w however a 1000w sure should be with me by hopefully flower week 3-4.
i have the cooltube set up for this run and for the first time ever i am running a carbon filter, crazy ay heh. Im not sure of the veg time but i kept them on 24hr lighting
over time i gave them a little pruning and defoliation therapy, they are ready to bloom, lets hopefully get a nice reasonable yeild and fill 1.2mx1.2 canopy. i also constructed a net before transition.

all is looking good , and im feeding generaly low doses at ph 5.5 - 5.8 in veg they got AN - sensi grow, in bloom they will be on GHE - micro , bloom. or maybe sensi bloom. possibly running bigbud and overdrive.

so the strains are.

1 x Mr.Nice - Early Queen - i know this strain and i just love it , old personal fav.

2 x cali con - OG kush - never seen,smoked or grown this strain, im interested to see what the fuss is about, but the plants look great.

2 x G13 Labs - Pineapple Express - never seen,smoked or grown this strain, and just like the og kush, they both look just lovley.

1 x Soma Seeds - Somango - Interesting looking , i have heard a little about this strain and it seems pretty cool, never smoked or grown it before, nice to get the chance.

1 x Barneys Farm - Critical Kush - Well , i have tried this and it was strong but i had a bad sample due to quick dryed bud, i look forward to the experience.

3 x mystery - unknown - interesting what these could be. but they look pretty nice and im sure its some strain ive never had before.

I have decided its fair to say i can officially call day 1 flowering so here we go,

im guessing anywhere between 60-80 days is going to be the time things will be ripening, il do what i can to control the jungle, if it was up to me i would only run 4 plants , but these were donated to me so i had no choice. Let the buds grow its go time"!:Gold:
day 1.jpg

Thank you very much for your time i hope you enjoy the thread.
Hey Mr. Milk

Nice fatty kids in the cab my friend.

That's quite a variety, I had thought about putting the critical Kush in my garden for a while now. Supposed to be a good yeild, and sweet flavor.

Good luck, I will be back to see h ow things go.


:Sharing One:

Thanks for stopping by , yes its a nice little variety isnt it. pretty nice to get wat was given, the mystery plants could either be L.S.D or church. There was also hashplant. but after playing with that strain previously its not the hashplant. and they are definatley northern light. so shall be interesting.

but from my previous experience with the critical kush i didnt rate it, im sure it is very good. its just a shame a friend who grown it decided to fast dry it, it really knocked the taste of the strain but i cant say anything bad about the effect because it did feel like a kangaroo punched me in the face after trying it.

Things are going smooth, 2 of the plants and i know one of them is the critical kush has soil mixed with the coco, it has that real earthy smell in the medium that coco just does not give , so those 2 plants get ph 6.5 - 6.6 and everything else 5.5-5.8

one strain that i just cant not give praise to is the early queen, hands down one of the best strains i have ever had the pleasure smoking, true classic, and now i have it in the garden it makes me so happy. shes a world class toke i think.

so its day 2 today of the bloom phase , theres not going to be much said for now. i think i will give a nice little update with pictures on day 7 week 1 of the flowering cycle.

thanks again to anyone who has stopped by and taken the time to read my drizzle.
day 3

Just a shot from day 3 bloom !

feed day , ph 5.8. all is good !


  • day3.jpg
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Day 6/7

Just a quick quick but late update. All is going fine . However I'm not happy with my ph , it's 6.3-6.8 but I'd rather it 5.8-6.3 so ph down is on the to do list.

So what can I say , it's interesting as these strains are all new to me so it's great to experiment.

The Pineapple Express seem pretty interesting also they are bushy beauty's and have a faint sweet smell to the stems. Really interesting looking plants. Unique and look promising .

what seems to really Stand out in appearance and unique aroma is the oh Kush.
Although she stretches out a lot more than the surrounding plants. Very special looking and I look forward to seeing them develop.

all strains look great, I'm not all yay about the critical Kush but whatever it yields I'm sure it will be kickback horse hoof to the face bud.
the early queen looks amazing I love this strain. Somango is very interesting looking.

i can't think of anything bad to say. They will do ok I think. The temperatures range in the day 74-80 and the humidity 45-52.


Its going to be a maze of nuggets , thanks for stopping by
Sea of green my friend,

Great job Milk,

Like you say, gonna be a bunch 'O' Budsites

Keep up the good work

Day 21

Hello everyone , so it's day 21 and also the 3 mystery plants have turned out to be hashplant from sensi seeds. Love this strain they have the most orgasmic stink to them hehe. Ok .. They are fast blossoming and stout and give a generous yeild.

Early queen is a stunning specimen. I'm proud to grow this. Got a real unique stench on her and it's going to turn out wonderful I just know it. ( front left )

og kush really does smell good I can see why it excites people . For what I hear about it's not so great yields , it actually looks like it's going to be rather generous. ( back left )

The pineapples are rare and have unique leafs . Rather annoying small things . It's super strong branches thick stems look like they can hold some weight. Slow to bloom but I've noticed good development over the last 3 days ( back right / front right )

the sensi hashplants are just brilliant I should have really noticed these from their unique leaf structure but after a closer look and the unique smell there was no mistake that it was them.
(Back middle / middle / right middle)

Somango has always looked interesting , slow to blossom. I don't a great deal to say on this , she's small with nice long side branching ( right at the front middle )

critical kush , well I had no interest in this and now I look at it the most , weird smell but looks evil ( front middle cuddling up against the Somango )

a few pictures.


Thanks for your time autoflower
So sorry I never finished this thread , I actually finished the grow and it was all great haha, no trouble with police and harmed nobody in the process, however I have packed everything up. New apartment come the new year and I will continue then, love you all from milk, see you in March next year
HOLY CATS NUTTS BRAH!.. that some awesome lookin grow. how many plants? final yield?