settling into new house now. all hard work is done.
happy growing every1
I see you've got your priorities right - get the tents up and dump the clothes on the floorsettling into new house now. all hard work is done. View attachment 956066 happy growing every1
haha elle. im not a messy person. honest lol. tents went up first before anything. i love my girls . then Last 3 days been building new flatpack wardbrobes.built 3 yesterday. then this morning went to build mine.And was a mix up. both boxes were from 2 diffrent wardbrobes. so delivery drivers fault. hence the pile, my clothes on the floor haha. happy growing every1I see you've got your priorities right - get the tents up and dump the clothes on the floor
if u zoom into the last pic. ul notice on every leaf has a wierd diformaty and doesnt look quite right. even her first true set of leafs looked like this. just shows. never give up on a freak. sometimes make the best plant. this has happend to me many times. if its growing let her have a chance happy growing every1She's looking really great!
fabric pots are great and do dry out alot faster than plastic pots. and they hold water fine. just dont throw it all in at once. let the soil soak it up. fabric pots are great for a fast growing healthy root structure. ur lights and power can also make ur medium dry out faster. but generally as the plant gets bigger will drink more per day. i feed 3l to a plant each day not 6hope this helps. happy growing every1@autobeast i have a couple of questions! i was reading in another thread of yours that from week 4 typically your plants receive;
1.5l water in the morning, every day
1.5l water in the evening, every day
3l of feed every three days, on top of the watering (6l of fluids in to the pot in a single day?)
is this correct?
do the fabric pots you use dry out quickly? any idea how they hold fluid versus plastic airpot style pots? i see you also using plastic pots sometimes...does that alter the amount you water them?
i'm asking because i love your results, always produce excellent plants mate. i'm 4 weeks in on my first grow and i'm currently watering more like 3l per week...girls ain't bad for a first try but obviously they're not autobeasts