Mephisto Genetics MidIN tackles Mephisto from scrog'd to HST and anything in between.

Sounds like a plan. Mephisto, autocobs, and Greenleaf Nutrients for the win! I'm in.
Glad to have you, it's going to be a great mix of several upon several good strains. You will also see some from the New 420 Guys seed bank in here as I won't give much info on them unless asked but I will show them off as well time to time. They will be where my future breeding starts as to Mephisto doesn't let to many regs come out for grabs. But since I want to make my own strains and not repeat what meph is doing this where I will grab my males from since I love thier strains as well. Now to only get a male from regs, I have yet to get a male from new 420 guys seeds yet even though they are regs just my luck, but we will keep trying to get one. Once we do I will show step by step how I will cross the strains I want by using the old try and true method I was taught years ago. You can find more info on this plan in my SODK journal under Mephisto thread also.
here we have the famous Ragu tomato sauce bottle that is now my new sour stomper container, gonna be a Coco grow added in some items to help recharge the Coco until my recharge order comes in.

Sumatran frets are great I've used them for few years on outdoor photos and had great results with it so going to bring it indoors for fall and winter time and see what she does. Also they make a great tea. I will post those recipes for that in a few.

Cytoplus is humic acid concentrate with seaweed and micronutrients think it's like $5 at my local shop and will last few years.
The Xtreme gardening mycos are just awesome since using them for photo transplant I've seen nothing but huge root growth almost immediately after use. I also mix in my soils for use through out the runs.
The worm castings are cheap (wally world) 4-5$ a bag 5lbs and even cheaper at end of year close out sales. I got 30+ bags last fall for 25 cents each.
All these items will be used throughout several of these runs some may not have all these but I will list what each has had in it through this thread and again on each final pic displayed I will list everything I used to get that plant to harvest.
I also have a Roots organic nute line up complete that was a freebie gift from Roots but I may or may not use some items in these runs. Kinda saving them for a controlled side by side comparison grow next spring.


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Next up to be planted, seed soaking at the moment Forum Stomper, I'm going to try her again as I'm just hooked on the one I just harvested the aroma is addictive.
She will be in a retrofit 2liter bottle, with a botanicals Coco, worm poop and mycos. This time her pot has extra holes in it for drying out faster and will not do anything feed wise until a week or so before flower this time, yes I was able to bring back the other one but looking for a easy run this time. When she's ready I will probably try the GH line up on her keep it simple with just micro and bloom then add boost mid to late flower. This will be her new home tomorrow night after a soaking. Next time she will be in a 3gal smart pot. Hell I could change my mind and do smart pot now have 21hrs to pick. this plant has blown me away. It's a sticky mess.
Some Walter White I have outdoor, using Roots organic original soil and Emerald mountain mixed, feeding her Sumatran guano mixes only and water. Her main is a huge thick girl.

These two are New guys beans
Sour 60 purple pheno
Some Walter White I have outdoor, using Roots organic original soil and Emerald mountain mixed, feeding her Sumatran guano mixes only and water. Her main is a huge thick girl. View attachment 937149 View attachment 937149 View attachment 937150

These two are New guys beans
Sour 60 purple phenoView attachment 937151 View attachment 937153HeadbangerView attachment 937155 View attachment 937157
Sour purple looks great.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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So I concocted some veg and bloom teas for tomorrow's feeding. There is worm castings in them just not pictured.i tried a bloom tea on a run and I really liked what I saw the plant came alive about a week after I used it in aromas and her sticky fingers went to full work mode that was visible, all this was stuff I've had laying around or were a garden store/hardware store closeout season sales. Mother Earth sugar load molasses is something I have used for few years at every watering and it's a must for me, along with maxi crop liquid seaweed. both are cheap and do wonders I believe.
Like to give a shout out to GreenLife Biotics Tony if he's made it on here yet, after several days of soil and land management, lots of talk about microbiology and chelators, not only is he coming out for a week to teach as group at my farm about this subject, but thier products also for canna, so after the teachings on the farm for corn and soybean production with thier products were going to indulge in the canna life of the property. Being a farmer. Asking some questions about the product I could tell right away he knows his shit. Very soon and next year hope to use the solution throughout the whole farm.
Ok well yet again teas just blow my mind away, 5 hrs after feeding, everyone is just perked up and ready to go. Lots of praying tonight going on. About to set up a Coco pot for some twin peaks from mephisto, these beans really caught my eye, LP Ike to see couple forearms from this girl.
Making some progress in the garden, about to do a double scrog of double grape and white crack in the same screen should make some nice colors at the end. New beans have dropped and are up, forum stomper, sour stomper, twin peaks, waiting for 2nd sour bubbly to pop,
Strawberry nuggets
Double grape (right
White crack (left)

Gold glue

Strawberry nuggets is a thick little bush that's always ready to go.