New Grower Micronutrient Help UK

Oct 10, 2016
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I am currently 8 weeks into my first grown and have a plant (AutoColorado Cookies) showing signs of a advanced zinc deficiency.

I started a thread in the infirmary and received a diagnosis from Waira. He recommended me Earth Juice - Microblast. It has come to light Earth Juice products are no longer on sale in the UK, and I am finding it hard to find an alternative.

I have been in touch with a shop that used to stock Earth Juice products and they have recommended me this

Liquid Concentrated Nutrient. General Hydroponics FloraMicro (5-0-1) is the foundation or “building block” of the Flora Series system. Provides nitrogen and calcium as well as trace minerals which are essential for a comprehensive hydroponic plant diet. Combine with FloraGro and FloraBloom to meet the specialized needs of each phase in a plant’s life cycle: seedling, vegetative, transitional, flowering and fruiting.

• The ORIGINAL nutrient system – imitated but never duplicated
• Enhances flavor, nutrition, aroma and essential oils in both hydroponics and soil
• Highly purified concentrate for maximum solubility
• pH balanced for ease of use
• NASA scientists use Flora Series because of its superior formulation and reliability
• Known throughout the world as the industry standard
• Can adjust mixtures to suit specific plant needs

Does anyone have any experience with this product treating zinc deficiency?
Or would anyone UK based be able to point me in the direction of something more suitable.
She is being grown in Plagron light mix and when the problems started she had only received her first feed of nutes. I can't afford a PH meter at the moment bro. :(

I have got a 2 part grow formula, Sensi Bloom Part A + B. I have been feeding her a L every other day or so with calmag. Hasn't had any effect on her :( Up until last week she had only been given tap water after the problems started. Here is the reply I got from Waira in the Infirmary.

:toke: Mangos-- so all the feeds she had has been just the one light round? I'm shocked she's as big as she is! PL medium is very mild stuff,...:shrug:... what's your water source?
...looking at those symptoms: the tops with yellow edging and interveinal streaks is Zn deficiency well under way,.. the spotting looks more like Ca defc. kicking in as well,... The lihgt feeding is likely behind this, since she's bigger now, and has really leaned on that soil what little is there,... no surprise to have defc.'s starting! Also, pH in pot is always a factor in play, but with so little going in, badly -off pH seems less likely,.. point is, these defc.' are most likely a lack-off type, not caused by off pH lockout ( chemical changes cause the nute element to be rendered unabsorbable),... Ca is easy to treat with the Ca-Mg supplement, full dosage! The Zn will be more tricky, and you need to feed more regardless, but your nutes will have Zn in them (read the labels carefully to see which in those damn multi-part nute lines) but not likely strong enough soon enough... To deal with certain stubborn immobile nute elements like Zn (Fe too-- immobile means these can't be translocated from established tissues to new growth that needs it more, this is why it manifest at the tops first), it's best to have a dedicated micronutrient supplement; I recommend Earth Juice Microblast because of it's complete coverage, and readily absorbable formulation...:thumbsup: treat the soil/medium as directed, and you can also use it as a foliar spray, for both actually, it's the fastest way to get it in there vs. the roots,...but you'll need a wetting agent to make it work well (Coco-Wet is my fav'), or a very mild soap like castille,.. this will take the surface tension out of the solution, and allow it to cover and stick more evenly, instead of just beading up; more surface are covered = more absorbed! Get the undersides of leaves as well, if you go this route,...
...If you're in a buying mood, the very fastest way to deal with this is using Optic Foliars Transport along with the Microblast,... or OverGrow (which has several other things in it),..this stuff "magically" can allow temporary penetration of nutrient go through the otherwise impermeable leaf cuticle; usually he only way into the plant leaves is via the stomata pores, where gas/ moisture exchange occurs... amazing!
Do you have a thread with pics? Zinc deficiencies are most often seen on leaves as interveinal chlorosis. Zinc is used in the formation of chloroplasts and the growth hormone auxin. Chlorotic leaves will also show puckering followed by pitting, veins remain green. New leaves forming are small.
leaves may take on a unique banded appearance and the plant may stop growing vertically. There may be much less space between new nodes, which can cause new leaves to start bunching together.

The most common reason growers will see a zinc deficiency is when the pH at the roots is too high. zinc is best absorbed by the roots in the 6.0 - 6.5 pH is probably the lowest you want to go in soil though.

In hydro, zinc is best absorbed in the 5.5 - 6.0 pH range. It's generally recommended for hydro growers to keep pH in the 5.5-6.5 range, zinc tends to be absorbed better on the lower side.
consider what you spent on everything else, a ph pen at any price is needed! Start with a cheap one, its often good enough to hold you out for a month or two. Cheap $10 ph pens will only last 3-6 months before failing.... I advise against them. You can get a reasonable good one in the $30-40 range. Look for a Hannah, etc, a decent brand name.

If your growing with bottled nutes and you don't have a ph pen, your asking for trouble, it is a necessary tool.

Or saver yourself all these headaches and grow organic!
here's a pic: look at the pucked look, a sure sign

within chlorosis since chlorin is involved would magnesium also help that? hence thats the source of the green and major photo synthesis pre cursors.?

ahhh ok NVM hydro and PH lockout LOL! guess I shoudl read a lil more eh?! KEWL! bro