Grow Room micro.s computer cases... autos and photos...

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What are you dimensions of your pc tower?
Would it be easier/more room to grow in a tote?
How many lights/watts do you have per case?
It prolly would be easier in a tote. I dont wanr easy... lol. I enjoy my challenges slightly. I run anywhere between 138-182 actual watts. Thanks ct.
In my flowering case, i have two lower intakes, one intake canopy level that blows across the tops and two exhaust. It really depends on what i can fit without sacrificing case space.

I.ll get some piks for u in a sec...
Heres three realcarlos...


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How much smell escapes from those, micro? I know it depends on strain, but, say a stinky DD... Do you run the exhaust through any filters?
Thanks tbm and ct. Bateyes, i dont run any filters. If the smell ever gets noticeable, i simply put a plug in air freshner in each room. Citrus scented usually masks the best, imo.
Time to update...

Here is my clone/mother box. It is running under a single 13watt 6500k cfl. They are looking good, but i honestly dont think i habe the room for them any more..... i may wind up giving most of them away... :( keep one for future breeding and thats it... oh well.... basically, i dont know what to do with them while my autos are doing there thing....


Speaking of autos... lol... i finally have a full case of 8 party cups. All wiz.s gentics. 2 duurtie dragons that have sexxed and shown to be female (with what looks to be black pistils... piks soon to come), two magic dragons, 2 jems from the bulk pack, and two jems from the first release of jems on this site. Whatever plants show to be male will be replaced with bobby.s dragons. I guess if i still end up with open spaces, off to the purple lovers pack... :D


Speaking of duurties and black pistils, here is a pistil shot from each duurtie dragon that has sexxed...



I have smoked most of my colorful duurty dragon i harvestd a lil over a week ago... jeez... it was sucha lovely, stoney, tazty lil lady she was... these two final shots def show her true colors...



Thanks for looking fellas and gals...
Haha.. ur right tbm. Lol... nah... they had just received their morning spritz of water... best i can do to simulate spring showers, minus spraying em with actual rainwater... humm... i may do just that. Its been raining alot in my parts, so it might be pretty easy to gather some rain water....