Grow Room micro.s computer cases... autos and photos...

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nice new box micro cant wait to see u blow it up with some dank buds just did my first blackstar 240 grow and have to say very impressed over the 150w hps i had used before
Yeah crazy... this is gonna be bomb. The crappy part is this, i gotta do some fix ups on the clone box before i can switch the led to 12/12.

I didnt comment in ur thread, but it did inspire me alot killa. One reason i bought the 240. I saw what you were pullin with urs and ur one of the only people who was using just the 240 with no supplemental lights.
Im on my phone and cant post a link to my new thread on here. Would anyone like the honor? Thankz to whoever does.
Thanks squid. If i could rep ya from my phone i would. Thanks again. This bowl of duurty d is for u. Haha ;)

Now if only i could get a mod to close this thread... :D

All comments and questionz regarding this thread can and will be happily answered in the new led thread.

Thanks to everyone who has been part of thiz thread and helping me ro make it the learning experience it really waz.

Final story: if u want a bigger yeild u must have a bigger soil container to get the most from one plant. More than likely u will have to lst alot. If u wnt variety and yeild is less important, go fem seed party cup. Yield will be close to just 1 plant and bigger container, but not as consistant due to the variety in autos.
No problem dude. Thanks. I can't wait to start on my DDs. Gah. Why do you want them to close the thread?
Dunno. I feel the computer case growing days are over. Plus i wont be ariund here as much. My new thread will be new home. I just dont see the point in posting in here as much. I want people to still be able to see and read it still. Just no more posting. I dunno... haha. I really dont care tbh. Im just not gonna be here to answer stuff and would rather all questions be answered in the new one. Make sense? Im severely ripped off that bowl i just toked for you... haha... lol.