Grow Room micro.s computer cases... autos and photos...

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I wanna try vaping!!! I have an e-cigg type vaporizer. It uses a mineral oil or glychol based "juice". I wonder if I make a mineral oil vape solution w/ THC in it if it would work? Seems like THC would dissolve in mineral oil where its a lipid... Might not be able to make it concentrated enough tho. It only vapes a drop or two at a time...

I wish I could afford a plant material vaporizer. Ive heard so many good things.

The National news (NBC) claimed yesterday that occasional marijuana use is beneficial to lung health. I know theres obvious health bennies, but LUNG health wouldn't have been a top guess. Especially smoking. The report was made using inhaled marijuana, didnt say smoke or vape, tho.
I may have to get me an ecig if j can get some of those cartridges ....
hey man just got caught up. quick question is there an area like my riu that showed the updated threads i am subscribed to? also i started a journal

Yeah. Click on the settings link at the top of the screen by where u sign on. That should bring u to ur subbed threads. I use tapatalk and am notified on my phone when someone post in a thread I am subbed to. Hope this helps. Omw to ur journal homie.
Here is my progress with the auto sog party cup run. 7 sprouts, and 1 should be sprouting any day now.

The other picture is what's going on in my clone/ mother box under a 13 watt cfl. Started out with 8 cuttings and ended up with 6 rooted clones. Due to my neglect, and allowing them to dry out, I lost two cuttings. You can def see some growth off my querkle mother plant.

I.m very happy with what I have going on in both areas. Wiz.s autos should be taken off in the flower case in the next few weeks, and I have suffecjent time to train and veg my clones... oh the joys of my micro world... :D


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right on man. so i think ive decided what my plan will be, one or two auto runs then switch to photo plants for the summer, less heat in the pc case and having my flower cap just 12/12. now what photo strain to do.....hmmmm i wanna grow fruity chronic juice again. that one cab of yours is gunna fill quickly cant wait to see that happen
Thanks homies. So far i have gotten 6 of the eight germed and sprouted, however, my last two (out of a few attempts with each) are finally starting to sprout. Cant wait to see how maxxed out my case will be in about three weeks or so from now. Not doing a seed run, so all males will be killed.

Not really sure about whats gonna become of my clones. I really need to go ahead and flower them out. I.m running out of room in my clone box. I may go ahead and start training them now... hell, i wouldnt my doing a few outdoors, but i feel i will not have enough time to flower them out before spring... any opinions?
I hqve also included a pik of whats left of my duurty dragon i harvested a lil over a week ago or so... no. Shes not growing still, just felt like standing her up in a cup for no good reason at all... lol... enjoy muh piks friends...
This picture should have been posted before the first pik in the lazt post....uploadfromtaptalk1327453706239.jpg