Grow Room micro.s computer cases... autos and photos...

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sweet... i am thinking i can run a total of 24 cups in my new box.. if i do that, i will prolly have to put my mother plant in my pc case... not a problem... just saying... well hell... looking over more lights, i am still thinking that this will be my best option for that box and party cups.. i have my bulk pack now, so i have no problems at all filling it up with those beans... a lovely micro sog led grow it would be... maybe i can get some cash from people for christmas a lil early... thats practically the only thing stopping me from ordering it tonight.. simply because, i may end up getting the cash i really dont have to spend at the moment... i can sorta understand what you mean by it stunting them... i used to raise all my plants as close as i could get them under my cfl's... i dont any more... to be honest, i dont think it really made a positive dif. if any thing, the heat burnt a few.... lol... live and learn. thanks for the input... being its a card board box, heat is my number one priority...
Took eight cuttings off my querkle mother earlier. Will post piks in the morning of my clones and my DIY cloner. I gave the querkle mother a good trimming as well.
heres what went on last night...

i got 8 cuttings off my querkle mother.. exactly how many i needed.. i trimmed my mother plant down to one shoot... this way my box won't get over crowded while my clones are rooting, this will also give the mother plant to grow out some before my next round of cuttings. i trimmed her down to what it was when i first took it as a clone...

my cloning method is simple... i bought a couple of rectangular tupperware containers awhile back. i am actually keeping my mother plant in em. i painted the outside container black, and left the inside one clear to moniter root development. i did poke holes in the bottom of the inside container for drainage when i water. i am using the other two containers as humidity domes. i am using 5 oz dixie cups to keep my jiffy pucks and clones inside of... they will remain here for about two weeks or so, then transplanted to party cups for a week or so... i yeah.. forgot to mention i dip the clones in rooting powder before placing in the jiffy pucks... thats pretty much it...
step 1) soak pucks
step 2) take cuttings
step 3) place swolen pucks in 5 oz dixies
step 4) dip cuttings in rooting powder and place in pucks. firmly squeezing the puck to wrap snuggly around the cutting.
step 5) place cups in tupperware
step 6) cut one hole in the lid of tupperware
step 7) pour 5oz of water in the bottom of the tupperware to keep high humidity levels
step 8) mist all fresh cuttings with spring water
step 9) put lid on top of tupperware containers
step 10) patiently wait and check for roots to appear
step 11) once roots appear, transplant to veg container and let the fun begin.

i should add that i keep my lights on 24/0 for my mother plants and clones.

i have had 100% success with this cloning method. i am not super sterile with everything either... i take my cutting by pulling them off with my hands... no scissors.

i hope this helps people out who have never clond, or those that have tried with no success... three things to remember that are very important... warmth, humidity, and light. provide those three things and you should have clones... do not question any of the technique and do exactly what is said... its simple and it works... i wouldnt say it matters what kind of rooting powder or jiffy puck you use. however, i am doing comparitive clones with dif types of pucks and dif types of rooting powder just to make sure... being i have 1 strain to test this on, my results shoud be about the same. i personally feel that the brand has no influence on success... just my opinion...


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:bow:read through your whole's mega!!
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Autos and select photos. My current photo is "querkle" bred by tga subcool. It is a purple urkle variety of a c.99 and romulan cross. I have a good selection of different flavored photos to breed with my autos. I grow anything I want basically. Size is never a limiting factor. Lol... ;)
Ahhhhhhhhh. Gotcha. The parent of the soon to be "Querkie Dragon" I imagine...?...

Maybe you can answer a question Ive had:
Say cross 'A' is a male photo and female auto
cross 'B' is male auto and female photo

What % of each will be auto? Ive read different threads and docs on breeding, and they make my head spin. Are there too many variables to answer such a question?
Ill stick to growing and let y'all handle the breeding- at least for now! I do like the idea of segregating phenos and establishing and stablizing them. Ive done it a bunch w/ boomers, but not with plants.Its pretty amazing to me how much of an art form breeding is. Those that are great at it "have it". While anyone can learn it, it takes someone with a gift to do it well.
Thanks again for letting me eavesdrop on your thread. Im always learning something! +rep 4U!
I tried to +rep ya, but I think I deducted rep instead. I pm'ed WIZ. Hopefully he can fix it. Sorry, bud. Totally an accident!

Lol.its all good homie. No sweat. I'm not really sure which would have dominance. This will be my first time creating a cross. I will have a mother querkle to back cross certain traits to, as well as the same male Dragon pollen to back cross to as well.. hopefully I will learn a thing or two through my trial and errors. If you keep watching, you may, just as easy, learn something too. Peace bro.
Good stuff micro.! What do you mean, "...pulling off with my hands and no scissors..."? Do you break the branch and rip it off and have some sort of fibrous ends hanging there, or do you rip it off where it meet the stem? Sound like a lot of stress for the mother. But if you always do it like this, I guess it's just more proof of how tough these bitches are under the right conditions.