New Grower Micro Grow Carbon Filter

Hotbunz Great point I will get a flow meter to check that the cfm isn't drastically dropped. i'm plugging away getting my tolerances right atm. Also I may do a small run and let a few of you guys try it out before making the leap with this one. I would just ask that If I provided them give me some detailed feedback.
My printer went crazy last night so wasn't able to print everything that was needed. Should have something for yall Tomorrow evening hopefully,
I got all my tolerances right So now its just waiting on the printer to do its thing.
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I'd really love to test one for you if you'd be interested in giving people some testers
Will deff send you one HMR thinking about sending 3 people one once I can get it injection molded whoever helps me the most as kind of a thank you and to see how good it works.
Great, I'll give it a go on my pc case :D
If I can fit one on my 6" exhaust fan on my cab I'd love to try one...I'll pay for it. Just don't want to have to use a normal filter on it.
The one I'm making now wont fit that D I can custom make you one if you want for that lol. This one will only fit 120mm exhaust fan, I plan on scaling it to fit 80mm also.
The one I'm making now wont fit that D I can custom make you one if you want for that lol. This one will only fit 120mm exhaust fan, I plan on scaling it to fit 80mm also.

I really think we are getting ahead of ourselves. There is no such thing as a 120mm exhaust fan. There is a 120mm PC and that is a HUGE differnce, There is ZERO available PC fans that can pull through a carbon base thick enough for proper air scrubbing. Just placing a simple dust filter in front of a 120mm PC fan will cut it's cfm by 1/3rd or more.Air flow data needs to be taken from in front of the carbon NOT on the fan side as the breeze you feel on the back side of the fan is a high percentage of cavitation and very little result of real draw through the carbon base. If you have the funding to have a project like this injection molded( even in China a mold would be at least $1,700 for a shot size needed for this part not to mention the minimum piece order) I would start from a different direction and have a small HV fan developed first as the fan is the root of all problems for a micro carbon scrubber. What is needed would be a centrifugal blower fan. I was not able to source any for the size needed when I was looking at a carbon scrubber of this size.
Yes I have a $1,400 quote for a injection mold which im fine with if it can work like I want it to. It cost me almost nothing to print theses as I own a 3d printer and im a designer by trade. if you want one when I get them to a decent point I would love to send you one as you will give me no Bs feedback. Their is nothing good on the market for this so im just trying to fill the hole if i have to swap to another exhaust option I will but first I wanna try and make the most common thing I can try.