NEWS Michigan 10th USA State to legalize recreational Marijuana

I think that was a bigger thing than some realise, as ISTR something about The Donald being in favour of more liberalisation of US marijuana laws (There's lots of dollars in tax in those green fields) so y'all might get the surreal situation where a President voted in on a Republican ticket sides with the opposition Democrats insofar as how they want the laws changed and liberalised.

Whilst trying not to get into the actual politics of such a thing, you have to admit that would screw with quite a few heads...

It will be fitting, especially since it was Democrats who outlawed weed in 1937
It will be fitting, especially since it was Democrats who outlawed weed in 1937

Really? I thought that was done earlier than that, thought weed was lumped in with pretty much everything else years before then.

Goes to show how laws have not kept up with things because what was known in 37 is somewhat different to what we know some 80 years later.

But we're diverting from the subject, so a giant Thumbs Up to Michigan for showing that common sense can prevail in this screwed up world we live in.
Right were allowed more plants than most the states, and triple what Canada allows. Lol
C’mon scro...2-4 plants at a time is def nuff for a 2-4 person household,I mean that seems reasonable anyways. Most of the folks here will hit the max oz possession limit with like 1-2 plants!
Really? I thought that was done earlier than that, thought weed was lumped in with pretty much everything else years before then.

Goes to show how laws have not kept up with things because what was known in 37 is somewhat different to what we know some 80 years later.

But we're diverting from the subject, so a giant Thumbs Up to Michigan for showing that common sense can prevail in this screwed up world we live in.
1937 the marihuana stamp act was created. To have legal possession was only possible if you brought your bud in hand to receive your stamp, which at that point you have now broken the law because you possessed cannabis without the stamp. Sneaky little trick from uncle Sam. In Dec 1968 Timothy Leary fought the U.S. on the legality of it due to the fact it was self-incriminating, which violated the 5th amendment. May 19, 1969 the U.S. supreme court overturned the marihuana stamp act. They reworked it and called it the controlled substance act of 1970 and it went into effect May 1,1971 making cannabis illegal again. Then March of 1972, marijuana was effectively legalized in Michigan for about three weeks. Remember, it's only illegal if you get caught...