Outdoor Mice or squirrels chewing my plants

straight cayenne pepper, and rub it in...

I lost 6 for 6 in one of my patches this year...

Did you check real good for shit? even the mice shit nonstop.... so do all the other plant eating critters also... Alot of years the mice do it for water in a drought... the eat the bark and water drips out....
It's been raining on an off the the past week so plenty of water around. Didn't check for droppings but will take a look this morning when I check to see if they ate the instant potatoes.
The poisen I think you are talking about that takes effect when they drink the water is Warfarrin. It is really effective as a blood thinner and causes the rodents to bleed to death internally. I think it is even used in small doses as a blood thinner for people. The big problem for this stuff is that it will kill your dog. My dog ate some that someone left out for pests. I noticed blood clots forming in the whites of the eyes. I rushed her to the vet and the vet gave her a shot of something and said she was lucky to live. Be carefull with poisons left out. They kill dogs, cats and even kids they do not discriminate. Trap em or shoot em - much safer.

use rat traps and mouse traps and/or bait em and kill em

if you use bait leave a bowl of water nearby... you'll find them dead there... they go for the water when the poison kicks in...

rofl! :crying: fast fert mate!
I also had a dog eat some. I had just moved and it was still packed in a box. She got into the box and at a whole box. Had to rush her to the vet at midnight on a Sunday to have her stomach pumped. Since then I'm very careful with it.

I checked this morning and no further damage and the instant potatoes were eaten from 3 plants. So hopefully that will take care of them.

The poisen I think you are talking about that takes effect when they drink the water is Warfarrin. It is really effective as a blood thinner and causes the rodents to bleed to death internally. I think it is even used in small doses as a blood thinner for people. The big problem for this stuff is that it will kill your dog. My dog ate some that someone left out for pests. I noticed blood clots forming in the whites of the eyes. I rushed her to the vet and the vet gave her a shot of something and said she was lucky to live. Be carefull with poisons left out. They kill dogs, cats and even kids they do not discriminate. Trap em or shoot em - much safer.
We had a little chihuahua that sneaked into my growroom many years ago and ate two packages of rat poison. As soon as I opened the door & saw the empty packages my heart sank. She knew she had done something wrong, she was hanging her head down. We were flat ass broke, so going to the vet was out. I forced ipecac down her gullet to make her barf, went to the local feed store and bought a vitamin syringe with a 16g needle and rigged up a drip line to run IV fluids with bottled water.
She got so sick & sore, her joints were all swollen, she couldn't walk with out yelping, couldn't touch her without yelping, but after about 4 days she perked up and was fine.
After that, I used traps.
Soak some cotton balls in distilled white vinegar, place in a covered container with air holes in top .... keeps rabbits away....
Peanut butter is said to be very good bait for traps, it smears on so they cannot flick it off. They have to really go up and disturb the trap while eating it, and activate it. Also it does not wash off too easy in the rain.
Maybe you should become a vet. Sounds like you got the knack for it. What a lucky dog that she had you. I don't keep poison around either.

We had a little chihuahua that sneaked into my growroom many years ago and ate two packages of rat poison. As soon as I opened the door & saw the empty packages my heart sank. She knew she had done something wrong, she was hanging her head down. We were flat ass broke, so going to the vet was out. I forced ipecac down her gullet to make her barf, went to the local feed store and bought a vitamin syringe with a 16g needle and rigged up a drip line to run IV fluids with bottled water.
She got so sick & sore, her joints were all swollen, she couldn't walk with out yelping, couldn't touch her without yelping, but after about 4 days she perked up and was fine.
After that, I used traps.

---------- Post added 09-26-2011 at 07:50 PM ----------

I agree totally peanut butter is the right bait. I found a mouse trap a few years ago called a Snap E wicked great trap easy to set and never snaps on your fingers. It is made in the USA and just goes to prove America can make good shit. I bougha bunch and sent them to my friends for Christmas. Everyboday liked it.

Peanut butter is said to be very good bait for traps, it smears on so they cannot flick it off. They have to really go up and disturb the trap while eating it, and activate it. Also it does not wash off too easy in the rain.
Don't want to put out poison if I can help. Other innocent critters might get it or one of my dogs.

i hear ya... could put it in some kind of housing to prevetn anything bigger than a squirrel from getting in... but i see there are many other great ideas suggested here as well!

cheers everyone!!
