hey bud!
...nothing sideways here that I can see, some spotting that's not definitive of anything IMO; little blips happen, so it's great that you notice, but nothing to grind over! I have doubts about "nute splash", considering the mildness of the feed conc. (likely no more than a typical foliar feed is at this stage), and the so called
"droplet burn/lensing" is a borderline myth in my experience for a variety of reasons... Trust me, I foliar extensively, sometimes even in Sunlight when I must, and never once a lensing burn spot.... for that to happen (and it can on shade loving plants) a powerful single point source of light needs to be present, not possible under mixed LED, fluoro', Q-boards, etc.,....
For RO water, don't bother pH'ing it, even the meters have trouble reading pH because of how the work, and the fact that RO is stripped of ions, and had NO buffering capacity. It's the carbonate in CaCO3 that does this, and there ain't none in there, so even tiny inputs will have strong effect on pH. It does not necessarily mean it's a strong acid/base if a pH is low/high, that's a whole different chemistry lesson there...
Between the soil and the nutes, plenty of Ca and Mg is present at this early stage; later you may add light hits of Ca-Mg, but I'd wait for definitive symptoms to show first... I use RO too with Rx Blend, no Ca issues ever showed....
Rx Blend tends to drive pH down, which is normal especially in RO water,...