Indoor Mephisto v Dutch passion auto grow

Only have the 1 marshy and the 600 hps running at the moment in big tent the grape crinkle was starting to taco up on me. my temps are not that bad as I'm out in the shed fresh intake all day on crazy days where it 23 24 degrees my tent can get out off control hps goes off and I just run 2 marshys get down to about 27 but night time temps can get down to 19 or in winter with all the lights last year I had 11 degrees turned everything crazy colours. thats why I got back into soil it's stress free I hate trying to battle the heat
yeah its the only down side ive found to my method but its a big one like. didnt have any problems till 6 weeks ago and cant grow dec-feb incase it snows n im the only one with a clean roof. wouldnt mind doing more smaller plants but just not worth it if i get caught. if only life was simple eh. its part of the fun though. cant have everything go perfectly all the time or life would just be boring : )
Ok we getting to the end off the Mephisto v Dutch passion grow will start a new one soon have some free seed stockers to run and the rest night queen was trimmed last night and got just over 3 ounces is in for a cure for two weeks and I'll have a taste and put up a smoke report. Ripleys og is bursting but definitely needs a week till chop
I'll have a look again next week but I'd say she will be done the other girls will move on to the next journal thanks everyone for looking and happy growing gang it was emotional
Hi grow gang just back from holidays and ripleys is down the brother chopped her 3 days ago she is smelling beautiful and very sticky a lot like the last ripleys og can't wait to get her cured will put up some snaps later as I'm crazy high 2 week tolerance break will do that have the seed stockers in the germinator and going to pick a lucky Illuminauto seed to get ready for the 1st of September grow of and hopefully I'm lucky enough to get my hands on the new orange bud autos going to be tested by some of the grow gang on here. so update and new journal coming as soon a I sleep for a week
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sleep for a week? mustve been a crackin holiday mate : ) summer here is awefull so wouldnt mind a break myself. gotta keep the garden on though so not this year : (
awesome haul though man. think thats convinced me that the night queen is gonna be my next dp grow. im in a coin toss for the mephisto grow off . got r/og and hbss there but really cant make up my mind. might just start them both and see whos winning at transplant time. tag me up once your next journals on por favor. ill be well parked on my ass for it : )
Yea get your hands on some as soon as your current grow in done just pm Dutch passion tony and he will sort you out its knock out smoke I'll be doing one again in a 30 litre next year should be interesting. Have just trimmed ripleys and the sticky stink is so beautiful was just about to weigh up and the scales needs calibration and nothing in the house that's 100g I'd say 3-4 from another Mother Nature grow. Have northern lights from seed stockers in soil 20 litre airpot and looking forward to getting this girl going. will tag you Scotsman when have the new journal up and running happy growing gang
ripleys og cured a week now smells delicious have to cure this girl out the back its that strong had a little try of her today and she is a lovely day time smoke not as much of a gasoline flavour from her as the last but a hint of pine cone and tangy grapes ripleys is a joy to grow went about 80 days and only gave her feed once a week and at half the canna organic recommend dosage got just over 3 ounces of hard as fuck nugs will make me some concentrate from her soon have to start blasting again will put up pictures of that to wrap up this journal still have NCH and ggg#4 with a week or two to go so will blast them as well will put up pictures of them girls tomorrow iv been slacking. Sadly I still haven't gone over to my brother house to take a picture of night queen but will the weekend and she should be nicely cured and 100% ready to knock me out Happy growing gang
Pictures of the 3 girls still going long over due
GGG#4 looking ready to burst have loved growing this girl she just doesn't stop going and the lemon and lime smell is off the wall will give her two more weeks
and the monster grape crinkle in a 20 litre that she absolutely loves can wait to make some wax out of this girl
grape crinkle up beside NCH
NCH looking like she has a week till the chop so about 3 weeks should have them all down happy growing gang
Update time NCH in down and drying not the biggest but some rock hard nugs about 2 ounces scales still not fixed so going be eye
will make me some wax out of all of her next week need her to be bone dry. Next up is GGG#4 this girl is exploding every time I look at her great plant to grow super easy she never had looked hungry out all the grow she opened up about 3-4 weeks ago and never stopped she will be down next week
and last is the super grape crinkle at about 4 feet tall and stinking up my back garden to fuck this girl is on steroids
happy growing gang
wax just made from NCH it's super cheesy like cheap nacho cheese beautiful flavour all my mates cleared me out of ripleys last week on fight night had half of them in bed before the fight have just cut down grape crinkle GGG#4 and a super smelly sour diesel will all be made into wax will blast the big nugs then mix all the little nugs and trim to make meself a gluey sour grapes wax that's going to felt the face of me will put up pictures of the girls I cut down soon happy growing gang