DAY 45
Hey guys, Sorry for the lack of updates, this past week is my busiest week in the work calendar and I've barely been at home, let alone had time to update anything or really do any work in the garden.
Anyway, 4AM has grown a lot! Really bushed out and has became really dense throughout. Lots of new shoots, buds forming and lots of fan leaves getting in the way.
Today I gave her a haircut and also bent out some of the new vertical growth to allow for better light penetration.
Pre defol:
Post defol:
As you can see, I didnt take much off but it has helped with bud exposure. Bit of droop to the plant after the defol as to be expected.
Buds are coming along and there's a faint odour now. Smells a little grapey, very sweet.
The SNs are coming along really nicely now with the topped plant outshining her untopped sister.
It's quite remarkable how even the canopy is considering there is no LST. Just one topping and very light defol. Growth is vigorous and healthy. I'm a real convert for topping now. Even more so for a stocky indica like this. The height and flowering is only ever so slightly behind the untopped one.
What you can't really see is the colour that's forming on and around the buds. An almost fluorescent pink is beginning to come through. Very exciting! They're both beginning to smell a little bit, surprisingly I'm getting a sort of musty chocolate smell from them, not what I expected but nI'm not complaining.
So yeah, they're all going pretty well I think. The untopped plant is for some reason very sensitive to nutes and has got a little more burn that the other one, it's also grown into the clip on fan a bit this week and got a little wind burn from that. I'm not too bothered about it but wish I'd been a little less busy this week and had noticed it earlier, no biggie though.
I'm repeating myself but I can't see myself not topping an auto again! I'm looking forward to growing out the other 4AM and trying to top that one. Might be a little more problematic due to the quick flowering time but I'd like to try. I think it might be better than heavy LST on her.
So now for the bad news... The Fantasmo x Stomper has had a bad start! I've no idea what's happening and have never seen a seedling behave like this, maybe it's just a bad egg, they are freebies I guess and therefor probably not that stable. If anyone has any thoughts, let me know but I'm happy to scrap her and plant the other one at this point. I can't see that there's much anyone can do to help her at this point.
Looking forward to the Zkittles seeds to arrive from Fast Buds. Seem to be a little slow with the delivery this time but I assume they'll be getting popped later this week.
Thanks for checking in and happy Saturday. The sun's actually out for once in London, so I'm off to walk the dog and have a celebratory smoke, God knows I've earned it after this week... very much looking forward to the next few weeks to spend more time with the gals.