Little update on the girls.
Dear Euronymous, our beheaded SN is looking pretty good although growth seems to be a little slow to me. Could just be the strain. No more training for her just yet.
Fenriz, her untopped sister had a bit of training today to pull those lowers out and increase light exposure. You can hardly see amongst all those huge leaves, but it's happening, promise.
And now on to Pike, our 4AM gettin her bend on. A bit of leaf clawing. Not sure what the cause could be other than general stress under my potentially heavy hand. Any thoughts? Gonna do some more training on her tomorrow probably and spread those lowers out to form more of a Y shape. Otherwise looks OK i guess.
I was hoping for more explosive growth at this point, but it doesn't look like I'll see that from these strains. Hopefully thats the genetics, not my noobness. Maybe I'm just impatient...