New Grower Mephisto - Sour Crack again


Cultivators Club
Feb 16, 2019
Reaction score
Due to family emergency, I had to leave home for a couple months, my Sour Crack and other plants died as a result. Finally get back home and start growing again :biggrin:

- 10L fabric pot
- BioBizz Light Mix
- 120 x 60 x 150 grow tent
- Hipargero 450w COB and later will turn on Kingbo 300w Led Light as well
- 2 monkey fan
- Rhino Hobby Carbon Filter + 4'' extraction fan
- BioTabs Starter Kit with Boom Boom Spray (Tried it on my last Sour Crack but as mentioned above that I didn't finish it so hopefully this time I get to try out the BioTabs properly.)

20/4 light. Temperature high 22C-28C,RH is 45, every now and again it is 50- 65% but mostly stays on 45% mark.

Popped the seed into a shot glass with 2ml/L Canna Rhizotonic and soaked in for 4 hours. Then put the seed into the coco pellet. Day and a half later, it popped out!

Today is day 7, she is looking good and healthy.


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Got an extra spot open in the Mephisto section for me to pull up a chair ? I've had my eye on Mephisto's for a long time now, looking forward to seeing what you can do with them.
Got an extra spot open in the Mephisto section for me to pull up a chair ? I've had my eye on Mephisto's for a long time now, looking forward to seeing what you can do with them.
You are more than welcome to tag along, preferably give me some pointers/advises through out the journey but I will shout if help is needed,lol

I have seen a lot Mephisto grows and haven't finished any of them. When I was away, got no choice but to let them die but the 24 Carat was very easy to grow and looked lovely, shamed that I couldn't harvest it. So far, I have good vibe from their genetics, finger crossed I don't mess it up,lol
Day 13 - End of the 2nd week, she looks good and grows vigorously, am pleased to see her this way and hope it will go well all the way until harvest! On day 11, her stem wasn't strong enough to support herself, I moved the soil to give her some help, the next day, she was back to her healthy self. Been using 5ml/L Boom Boom Spray twice for this week and water every other day.


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Week 3, Day 18 - She was topped on day 17 on the 4th node, she responses to it well. Starts to have a slight aroma from her and give her some LST. Boom Boom Spray her once this week with 5ml/L. Water only.


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Hey TW

Sorry again to hear of your troubles... but great to see you back :) :)

Top that girl. She looks great and ready! Also tie her down! Get training now.

As it happens, I am growing 2 SC.

One natural and one trained. They are day 39 / 36.

They don't seem too hard, tolerant to nutes. I run RO, but they are up to 0.65 now.

SC2 was calmag hungry, so watch out for rust spots.

Week 4 - I love this strain and she is so easy to grow, especially with Biostabs, hope she will keep on until harvest. Boom Boom Spray her twice this week with 5ml/L. Her aroma is getting strong everyday. Did more LST and defoliated a few big fan leaves.


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Hey TW

Sorry again to hear of your troubles... but great to see you back :) :)

Top that girl. She looks great and ready! Also tie her down! Get training now.

As it happens, I am growing 2 SC.

One natural and one trained. They are day 39 / 36.

They don't seem too hard, tolerant to nutes. I run RO, but they are up to 0.65 now.

SC2 was calmag hungry, so watch out for rust spots.


Thanks jumper for the reply! Less than 2 months to lose both my mother and grandfather was terrible but life must go on, give me some time I will be fine.

I didn't read much on the forum and didn't know you are growing SC as well, I shall pop in later and check out your babies! I will keep that in mind regarding the calmag hungry, finger crossed she will give me a big harvest,lol

So far, I really love this strain!
Looking great. Yeah I love SC too. So fast!
One of my favorites... ate everything I gave her...everything. one of the only strains I could push well past 100% on my feeds and see no issues at all.