Indoor Mephisto Run

Here's a paper that explains things

"FPJ is used in solutions for seed and soil treatments and plant nutrition. It consists of the young shoots of vigor- ously growing plants that are allowed to ferment for approximately 7 days with the aid of brown sugar. The brown sugar draws the juices out of the plant material via osmosis and also serves as a food source for the mi- crobes carrying out the fermentation process. The weak alcohol produced during fermentation extracts chloro- phyll (soluble in ethanol) and other plant components. It is non-toxic and edible. "

Basically my understanding is the fermentation process extracts the nutrients, minerals and growth hormones of the plant you are fermenting. Essentially making your own bottled nutrients to use at around a tablespoon per gallon. The type of plant material will dictate the effect of the plant juice or extract. Something in transition or flower will give a product that should be used in flower, using fruits (fermented fruit juice/extract) will give you a product to use in full bloom etc.You can use under or over ripe fruits for a material you can use in flower or late flowering as a "finisher" too. It's quite interesting stuff. These products can be used right up the chop as well, bye bye flushing.

The style is an old style of natural farming, or Korean natural farming (knf) which I'm sure you've heard of. Master chos handbook is a good read if interested, it really covers off the techniques and reasons in good detail

This technique gives you ways to make almost every fertiliser and booster you could need from scraps and plants often found in the home or easily sourced. Cheap and extremely effective. Another great source for recipes and tips is Gil Carandang, a philo farmer that uses really simple recipes and really breaks things down in a simple, easy to understand way. I won't be rushing to try the roach composting anytime soon though lol!

Hope that gives you something of interest :)
Thanks Noons, def. looking into this. Like the concept already.
G'day legends, hope you're all well and growing that fire.

Here's a few pics on the garden to catch up

Chemdogging, this one didn't really work out. I had a lot of problems with fungus gnats, the airpots seemed to make that worse as I mentioned so I won't be using them again. This is around 8 weeks, she's been left outside and is stunted as sht but should at least get enough for a bit of a taste


This is the deep blue c, she's a small strain but even so I stunted her. She's been outdoors in pretty cool weather, which is starting to warm up. With all the problems I've had she's still starting to pack on some chunk and the quality is looking pretty good. Hard to see in the pics but the middle is all pretty chunky with flower, I think I'll still even get somewhere between 1/4 to 1/2 ounce off her. Sh was really bushy so I pruned out the middle a bit and have been checking for mould every day. So far looking good. It's in a 7 gal self watering pot, so I've been feeding a mix of the following in the res (per litre): 1 ml fish emulsion, 1.5 ml dandelion fpj and 2 ml organic seaweed extract. She cleared the res pretty quick and there was a noticeable increase in the size of the buds over 48 hours. Can't say for sure if the homemade fertiliser is working but all seems good so I'll keep at it.

Around day 50


Around day 56, getting nice and frosty and the smell is great

Sour livers is next, really happy with this one. She's been fading and losing fan leaves all over the place for a while, I was a bit worried at first but everything else looks really good so I'm thinking it should be normal. I have generally been watering and feeding every 3 days but accidentally let it go about 5 days and she didn't like that too much, she wilted a little and lost a handful of fans really quick:


Gave her a couple waterings over the next few days and she was fine, been watering every 2 days since which seems to be the sweet spot at this stage.

I've given 2 feeding with the fpj I made at about 2 ml per litre, the plant seems to love it but I found a few worms have tried to escape. The fpj has an alcoholic smell, which from what I'm reading is normal. But may not be ideal for the worms. I'll take it easy with this.

These are somewhere in the 50 day range



These on days 63, which was Monday. These are under regular flash which the cobs turned off, shows the colour a bit better. Hoping for a couple cooler nights on the finish to see if any other colours comes out. She's really starting to fill out now, I reckon she'll be ready in 1.5-2 weeks. The pics I've seen of this plant grown by other growers seems to say she's ready at around 77-80 days.



Here's one of the faded fans, at least I think it's fading. The soil could be running out of puff as its first cycle in the 15 gallon but I have been using seaweed and fpj and the mulch has been kept up so I think she's just putting everything into finishing the flowers

On the natural farming side, I've had a go at making an overripe banana fermented fruit juice. Ffj is pretty much an artificial honey, which is used as a bloom nutrient. Use under ripe fruits mid flower and overripe fruits for a finisher in the swelling stage, so I read.


Starting to build my collection of ferments, when I start my next grow (outdoor photo run) I'll have the 15 gal and 2 20s so I'll be able to test these ferments against regular no till practices
I was talking to a mate who suggested that the worms may be bailing the pot due to the pot drying out. With my overwatering problems in past grows I had been erring on the under side. His suggestion was to water the bottom of the geo pot and see how much it wicks up. The pot took 3 litres before starting to slow this morning, looks like she's just been feeding from the top half of the pot which might be causing the early fade. Still happy with the plant so not to worry, the learning curve continues
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Im trying to learn organic and yours is a great example of how to use what we have. I'm sure grateful for your sharing the knowledge.
@dankstyle J has started some tea making using dandelion recently too.
dandelion is amazing stuff. Exactly mate, there are so many things under our nose that we can compost, ferment, make teas etc. which in many cases are better than the things sold in the grow stores. I'm new to it too but I'm determined to get to a point where I can get a lot of my inputs from my own property, locally or in bulk
What is it about sprouting corn or legumes of some sort, then crushing them up in the water they were sprouted in for the plants? Please forgive me if I should have already looked this up.
What is it about sprouting corn or legumes of some sort, then crushing them up in the water they were sprouted in for the plants? Please forgive me if I should have already looked this up.
Sprouted seeds are full of different combinations of enzymes, definitely worth a read about. I use malted pilsner barley from a brew store, the sprouting is done perfectly already, grind it up and on the mulch of the 15 gal every 7-10 days. Goes great in tea but can froth quite a bit

You can sprout heaps of different types of seeds for tea, corn is popular. Alfalfa is worth a look too.
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