Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!

Very interesting !! A proper non bias side by side! Just what I would like to see.
great stuff I'm hooked
Very interesting !! A proper non bias side by side! Just what I would like to see.
great stuff I'm hooked

Hi yes, totally unbiased. We bought these lights like anyone else, just incase anyone wonders.
If they work well, we'll buy more. If they don't these can always be used for males or cuttings or similar. But we're stepping into the unknown, but the idea is, we'll get the hang of them, and then hopefully be able to give led growing tips to our customers, seeing as so many of you guys use led, we feel a bit silly saying.. 'ahh we've never used one'

Here are some of the germinated sour crack we potted earlier, these were put into paper tissue on the 26th/01 at 2am, then potted today the 28th with an average 10mm taproot at 7pm today. 41 hours all in all, on our router, not ideal but it works.


More photos to follow later.
Looking forward to this one. This could change a lot of perceptions about led. Hope it goes well "kudos"
Good move, will you also keep a kW meter on each light setup?

That will give a good g/kW comparison along with yield and quality.

Oh, and I promise to buy seeds from you if post a Tang style daily dairy..... Subbed!
We have a kilawatt plug in meter to do a test.
After that someone can figure out the mathematics :)
Aim is to update every week, but we'll see, could be more during the interesting phases
Good luck with the LED's Mitch... I reckon you'll like 'em..

I like to incorporate both technologys.. LED's for veg & HPS for bloom.. Seems to work a treat :smoke:

I'll be lurking about this thread if you don't mind :Sharing One:
Sounds great. I used to write up/approve specs and configuration for tests like this with universities, research labs and growers, nothing heady though......

How do you plan to keep temps close to the same in each tent?

May I suggest the same timer running both light sources...... Know from experience that all it takes is for someone to forget to flick a switch or some misunderstanding, and the test is fogged.....!

Running tests like this requires an iron discipline, clearly defined documentation and datalogging.... This is especially important when you a testing a parameter that is influenced by other variable parameters (temps, humidity, even amounts of feed and so on)....... I hope you have a good project manager armed with some software...... And outcome is judged on organoleptic evaluation..... Not saying you don't know this already......!

Feel free if you want to bounce some ideas off the walls or any suggestions.

Hi Mitch, looking forward to following this grow. I keep thinking about LEDs and this sounds like a great test
Sounds great. I used to write up/approve specs and configuration for tests like this with universities, research labs and growers, nothing heady though......

How do you plan to keep temps close to the same in each tent?

May I suggest the same timer running both light sources...... Know from experience that all it takes is for someone to forget to flick a switch or some misunderstanding, and the test is fogged.....!

Running tests like this requires an iron discipline, clearly defined documentation and datalogging.... This is especially important when you a testing a parameter that is influenced by other variable parameters (temps, humidity, even amounts of feed and so on)....... I hope you have a good project manager armed with some software...... And outcome is judged on organoleptic evaluation..... Not saying you don't know this already......!

Feel free if you want to bounce some ideas off the walls or any suggestions.


All good points for sure, I suspect, however, his intent is far more informal. Can these lights justify their expense in a commercial setting? I'm sceptical about it, but will follow with great interest. A commercial LED that doesn't cost 15 times the price of an HPS would be a boon to all types of greenhouse production growing.