Mephisto Genetics Mephisto LED vs HPS Sour Crack AF-SOG!


AFN Authorized Vendor
Jun 24, 2013
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Hey guys,

finally all the bits and pieces came together to start this grow off.

we've been really interested to test out led's for awhile, it's not too bad running hps lamps for flowering photoperiods here, having them on at night year round works a treat, in summer it's too hot in the day, and in winter it's too cold at night. Plus In the summer we can dim any ballast and have the option to air cool the shades if necessary (in the flowering room)

but for for autos and wanting to have them on for at least 18 hours for the entirety of the grow cycle during summer it's just too hot without investing a lot of dinero into air conditioning.

so, given recent developments In led technology I wanted to do a side by comparison, as although very expensive initially we could save a lot of electricity costs in the long term and be able to run more plants indoors during the fairer seasons.

we also wanted to break our apprentice unkie szy a.k.a simundo in with a little grow for him to manage and document.

so without further a do, here are the specs:

tent 1 - secret jardin dark room 120 - 120x120x180

lighting - OG parabolic air cooler reflector with phantom adjustable ballast 400-600w

bulb - Philips (used but perfectly functional bulb)

medium - biobizz lightmix

strain - Mephisto genetics sour crack fem x36

pots - 7 litre 20x20cm

Ventilation - 4" temp controlled ruck hi power version - passive intake, one circulatory clip fan

tent 2 - secret jardin dark street2 - 120x120x160

lighting - grow northern hs1 x2

medium, strain, ventilation all the same as tent1


So I'm officially popping my led cherry.
I'm not sure what the outcome will be... But it should be fun regardless!

Water will be our high ec well water, I don't intend to ph or adjust anything, nutrients will be biobizz grow and bloom, and perhaps a few doses of molasses mid to late bloom.

feeding will be hand watering every 3-4 days when they are in full swing.

off to do some potting now, I'll take some photos and update later!

cheers, mitch
Sweet! Good Luck with the Disco Party! :)

This'll be fun to watch!

Awesome bro I think you will be blown away with what 150w can do.
Fun and interesting to see a full scale side by side comparison :)

Good luck with those LEDs :thumbs:
Oooweee!! This is gonna be fun!"Munch..munch..munch
Best of luck with the LEDs mate ...:Sharing One:
Thanks guys, time will tell!
Almost done sowing and potting :)
Heard so much about Mephisto beans, but as I'm only on my 3rd grow, haven't had the opportunity to see for myself. I think this comparison grow might put Mephisto on the "must buy" list!
Have Fun Mate and im curious how the Results will be in densness resin production and yield. And wasnt the Dr 120 2 meters High and the Ds 120 180??? cause i wanted one of them to replace my wrecked homebox xl but i cant go higher than 180 now
That sounds more like it, sorry my bad!

our ds 120 2's are basic.. But for the price very good, some of ours must be knocking on for 4 years old, we've had a zip fail on one, which is now just used as a drying space, but for £110 iirc, they've more than had their use.
