So i been searching the blessed and hallowed web for info regarding RH% ( education education education prime minister ! ) and I stumbled upon this on another forum and pipped my interest has anyone ever heard of this little remedy of oils to prevent mold ? anyone used this and had sucess i love to hear more about this.
"70% @ 70° F for the win. I diffuse a blend of rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, clove, and cinnamon oils to kill all airborne pathogens. Never seen botryitis or any other mold since I've used the essential oils. PM does not depend on humidity to manifest, it prefers big temperature fluctuations.
Google "VPD" for some fun reading, or find the thread her on the farm.
I've had excellent consistent results since I became aware of vapor pressure deficit in my grows.
"70% @ 70° F for the win. I diffuse a blend of rosemary, lemon, eucalyptus, clove, and cinnamon oils to kill all airborne pathogens. Never seen botryitis or any other mold since I've used the essential oils. PM does not depend on humidity to manifest, it prefers big temperature fluctuations.
Google "VPD" for some fun reading, or find the thread her on the farm.
I've had excellent consistent results since I became aware of vapor pressure deficit in my grows.