Mephisto Genetics Mephisto Grower of the Year 2019

My lordy y'all have nice plants. Here's my little Orange Diesel, tomorrow will be day 60 I believe. Still plugging along hoping to fill up a quart jar. It smells like over ripe fruit. Very enjoyable. A little limey colored, but that's been an issue for me since I went to megacrop. They still taste good.


My lordy y'all have nice plants. Here's my little Orange Diesel, tomorrow will be day 60 I believe. Still plugging along hoping to fill up a quart jar. It smells like over ripe fruit. Very enjoyable. A little limey colored, but that's been an issue for me since I went to megacrop. They still taste good.

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Gotcha :cheers:
Cool. Well Ill supplement some calcium than. While trying to narrow it down i noticed the one plant affected has some mild algae on its roots. Prolly from it being located center on the water table before shading of leaves was proper. Could this of been the reason that only one plant has been affected. Mega Crop has seemed to work fine and provide enough for the other plants. Just thinking a loud for my next grow.
Unfortunately it's really tough to diagnose from a distance. It definitely looks like a cal issue... But what's causing it? Is it just a simple lack of ca? Or is it a lock out? I would do a complete diagnostic just like I would with a car. Get under the hood and start checking things out. Check the ph and ppm of the run off.. If there's a res, check that for ph and ppm... When mixing nutes, take note of ppm. Every plant is different. Can't stress that enough, so a good feed for one, may be too much/not enough for another. Every plants immune system is different as well.. So we just have to watch them all individually. If it keeps spreading, you can do a light flush. It won't hurt at this point if you plan to chop in a few weeks. If you hang out in the infirmary for a while, you'll see plenty of posts that say something like, "I have a cal/mag issue, I added more cal/mag and its not helping".. That's partly because if it's locked out, adding more just compounds the problem. Remember, too much calcium can lock out mag, and too much magnesium can lock out calcium. But ph is the most common issue. Be it the soil/medium or the res.
Looking really nice! I think you have a good chance at this thing. If I remember correct don't you grow all organic and soil and shit?

Why thanks, there some good gals hanging around, so appreciate that, working hard ......

From my understanding the top three from first and second leg and last years champ, so seven growers will have grow-off later this year ..... For sure I want a seat in the finals ..... sure someone willl confirm but think that’s the case ...

Yes ... LOS ..... Living Organic Soil - Even the worms / straw mulch the whole nine yards.
I hear ya and thanks for the advice. Yea my water situation, between the smart pot and grow bag, was watering them the same time, def wrong idea. And she is looking better, compared to what she was doing. But my concern is she is really stunted for coco
Here’s what’s decided for now. Keep the CDLC and see for right not, but add the DWC Purple Nuggets.
I figure out her in the back and let her go for now, if starts looking really sickly I’ll pull her . But she is trying to spring back, and if I can get anything, even small amount, I’ll just turn to bubble hash.

Edit. Green house thing a little to big so found something different.
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Check plant heath ....
