Yes, they're very impressive compared to many others it seems. Bigsmo grows indoor trees and forest with them at up to 1.58gpw. Looking forward to testing some soon.
Cheers buddy. Appreciate you spreading the good vibes in here.
Here is my FOUR ASSED MONKEY day70 since a sprout. And she is on straight water for 10 day give or take a day
Hey Hey Hey @wwwillie
Time for an update . :biggrin: . She continues to fill out day by day . She will not be a monster . It looks like I still need to settle on a combo that works for me . I'm not unhappy but feel I still need a little fine tuning to be done . I will come I'm sure . Cheers to all the participants . There's some very fine looking plants submitted and I salute everybody that " competed " :thumbsup:
Here we go with a Thursday update:

As of last night, she was at: 1940ppm(before we added water back),77°, and 5.9ph

Chemdoggin is at week 11 and is officially all cloudy at this point. She's going under the scope tomorrow evening and we will wait til she gets about 25% Amber before calling it. Right now we're just adding water to slowly lower her ppm with each passing day..


I'll probably have to ask about what the final entry/pics should be etc. when the time comes. I know I've read it a couple times but forget, and haven't been on as much lately.. @wwwillie
@Ripper @wwwillie I am in need of my password and such for my final entry into the comp, she is on the downslope and is turning reds and purples and magenta just a colidoscope of colors coming out and the swelling looks superb to say the least. Hope everyone has had as much of a good time with this as I have and I look forward to "battling" it out with you guys in the near future