This girl just makes me smile every day.



50 inch+ wide

Glad i took down my 4x4 tent lol
@Ash-a-Ton would you mind if I pm you and pick your brain a bit on that bucket system you got? Wanna branch out and try new things and that looks mighty interesting to me, and you seem to be absolutely killing it. So who better to ask right...
@Ash-a-Ton would you mind if I pm you and pick your brain a bit on that bucket system you got? Wanna branch out and try new things and that looks mighty interesting to me, and you seem to be absolutely killing it. So who better to ask right...
I could tag you in my journal. I am pretty open there lol. Ask away there or here. Any questions. Chances are someone else may want to know something as well. Afn is all about learning and teaching. I def learn much more than i teach so I'm always happy to share!
Well, im out, mbap is most certainly dead. I wish it could have happened sooner, it was getting close to finish and looking amazing. At least i learned something, im going to make a different system, maybe a recirculating 2 site dwc with the bubbler in the res. I really thought the co2 and reduced ventilation was the problem, but even if i figured it out earlier, i wouldnt have been able to get the airdisk out, its totally enclosed in the roots. I had alot of fun in this contest and chatting with u guys, im gonna be back for a future round, good luck to you guys!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Well, im out, mbap is most certainly dead. I wish it could have happened sooner, it was getting close to finish and looking amazing. At least i learned something, im going to make a different system, maybe a recirculating 2 site dwc with the bubbler in the res. I really thought the co2 and reduced ventilation was the problem, but even if i figured it out earlier, i wouldnt have been able to get the airdisk out, its totally enclosed in the roots. I had alot of fun in this contest and chatting with u guys, im gonna be back for a future round, good luck to you guys!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Sorry about your luck sir It saddens me to lose a plant . It's like some one died in the family . You'll be back better than ever . :thumbsup:
Well, im out, mbap is most certainly dead. I wish it could have happened sooner, it was getting close to finish and looking amazing. At least i learned something, im going to make a different system, maybe a recirculating 2 site dwc with the bubbler in the res. I really thought the co2 and reduced ventilation was the problem, but even if i figured it out earlier, i wouldnt have been able to get the airdisk out, its totally enclosed in the roots. I had alot of fun in this contest and chatting with u guys, im gonna be back for a future round, good luck to you guys!

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Mind if i see it? Sorry for the loss. I lost my 1st mbap in a similar happening.
Real bummer when the mishaps come. But if we share the knowledge gained from our losses then everyone learns and we all benefit. Making it not a total loss
Sorry about your luck sir It saddens me to lose a plant . It's like some one died in the family . You'll be back better than ever . :thumbsup:
Absolute truth.
Hell mites made me feel like i had kids with lice no joke. Felt like i was a bad parent lol
Mind if i see it? Sorry for the loss. I lost my 1st mbap in a similar happening.
Real bummer when the mishaps come. But if we share the knowledge gained from our losses then everyone learns and we all benefit. Making it not a total loss
Yep we know a lot more about spider mites now .:biggrin: