couldnt see a cut off date for dropping anywhere? is it a must drop on the 1st job or is there a bit of give?

1st-5th September..:headbang:
This competition Must finish/poll 2nd week in December.

if i could drop on like sept 20th though then that would be only be 3 weeks of my attic sweltering even more while my plants are in full bloom. can i do that? pretty please?

I'll have a Word with @Ripper [HASHTAG]#keeperoftherules[/HASHTAG] .
We have to have a Close date on this comp and it worries me that you could be running 3 weeks behind so you would be at a disadvantage come polling date..:headbang:
good day to all stoners :pass:
HBSS Getting close to the end week to go.

Getting warmed up
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She looks pretty Hot to me @Pops :headbang:

Watching, GL to all, curious what yall plan to run. Id prolly go with 'sour orange livers' and hope for a big one! Everyone knows SIZE MATTERS!

:coffee: :size:

iIt will be Good to see some of the New Crosses being showcased..:headbang:

Well damn if there's one way to drag me back it's a Mephisto grow off. This is the last one I did so maybe I can match it.
Sign me up...
ehm, is that a viparspectre 300 and a 600w chinese youve got there mate? shes a rediculous size. please tell me you scored a home run for us cheapo light enthusiasts in the process : )
hello @Mossy I'm not sure if anyone is still looking for a spot in the Sept Mephisto grow comp, but if so you can give someone my place as I will not be doing this comp.